Publications de
chercheurs et de partenaires du CIFOR A B
A methodology to analyse divergent case studies of non-timber forest products and their
development potential. Ruiz-Pérez, M. and Byron, R.N. Forest Science 45: 1-14.
A review of forest fire
projects in Indonesia (1982-1998). Dennis, R. CIFOR, Bogor. 105p. ISBN 979-8764-30-7
A simple graphical method
for the comparisons of mortality, recruitment and other count defined
"event-rates". Sheil, D. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 11: 323-325.
A sustainable forest
future. Pearce, D., Putz, F. and Vanclay, J.K. CSERGE Working Paper GEC 99-15. ISSN
0967-5690. 64p.
Achuapa. Capacidades
locales para la gestión de recursos naturales. Fauné, A. and Martines, T. El Papel de
los Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestión de los Recursos Naturales. Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR,
PROTIERRA-Inifom. 79p.
Agricultural expansion
and deforestation: Modelling the impact of population, market forces and property rights.
Angelsen, A. Journal of Development Economics 58: 185-218.
intensification, deforestation, and the environment: Assessing tradeoffs in Sumatra,
Indonesia. Tomich, T.P., Van Noordwijk, M., Budidarsono, S., Gillison, A., Kusumanto, T.,
Murdiyarso, D., Stolle, F. and Fagi, A.M. Paper presented at AAEA Conference on
Agriculture Intensification, Economic Development, and the Environment, Salt Lake City,
Utah, USA, August 1998. 34p.
Assessing forest canopies
and understorey illumination: canopy closure, canopy cover and other measures. Jennings,
S.B., Brown, N.D. and Sheil, D. Forestry 72: 59-73. |
Top |
Between danger and
opportunity: Indonesian and forests in an era of economic crisis and political change.
Sunderlin, W.D. Social and Natural Resources 12: 559-570. |
Top |
C Capacity for forestry research in selected countries of West and Central Africa.
Spilsbury, M.J., Kowero, G.S. and Tchala-Abina, F. Occasional Paper No. 24. CIFOR, Bogor.
ISSN 0854-9818
Chinandega. El manejo de
una reserva natural en un mundo de agricultores. Barahona, T. and Mendosa, R. El Papel de
los Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestión de los Recursos Naturales. Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR,
PROTIERRA-Inifom. 95p.
CIFOR a newcomer
to CGIAR. Persson R. Currents 19/20: 31-35.
CIFORs Management
Information System. Ibach, M.O. CIFOR, Bogor. 80p. ISBN 979-8764-28-5
CIMAT (Criteria and
Indicators Modification and Adaptation Tool) (CD-ROM and user manual). Prabhu, R.,
Haggith, M., Purnomo, H., Rizal, A., Sukadri, D., Taylor, J. and Yasmi, Y. The Criteria
& Indicators Toolbox Series No. 3. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID.
Codes of forest practice
and related research needs. Turnbull, J.W. and Vanclay, J.K. In: A.G. Brown (ed.)
Sustainable forest management: proceedings of the Hermon Slade International Workshop held
at Melbourne, 30 November-4 December 1998, 21-28. Crawford Fund, Parkville, Victoria,
Australia. ISBN 0 643 06316 1
Commerce Transfrontalier
et Integration Regionale en Afrique Centrale: Cas de produits forestiers non-ligneux.
Ndoye, O. and Ruiz-Perez, M. Arbres, Forêts et Communautés Rurales. Bulletin FTPP 17:
Community participation
in developing and applying criteria and indicators of sustainable and equitable forest
management. De Oliveira, N.B. CIFOR, Bogor. 37p
Constraints and
opportunities in rattan production-to-consumption systems in Asia. Belcher, B. In:
Bacilieri, R. and Appanah, S. Rattan cultivation: achievements, problems and prospects. An
International Consultation of Experts for the Project: Conservation, Genetic Improvement,
and Silviculture of Rattans in South-East Asia, 12-14 May 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
116-138. CIRAD-Forêt and FRIM, Kuala Lumpur.
Crise économique et
changements politiques en Indonesie premiers effets sur le secteur forestier. Sunderlin,
W.D. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 260: 79-82.
Criteria and indicators
for sustainable forest management: A global overview. Prabhu, R. In: Prasad, R.,
Raghavan, S., Phukan, B.R. and Bharti Joshi (eds.) Proceedings of The National Technical
Workshop (under Bhopal-India Process of SFM) on Evolving Criteria and Indicators for
Sustainable Forest Management in India, 21-22 January, 1999, Bhopal, India,6-19. Indian
Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, India. |
Top |
D Developing tests of
successional hypotheses with size-structured populations, and an assessment using
long-term data from an Ugandan rain forest. Sheil, D. Plant Ecology 140: 117-127.
Development of
silvicultural systems in flood plain forests in the upper amazon valley. Kvist, L.P., J.K.
Vanclay, S. Gram and G. Nebel. Final Report on Project 104.Dan.8/620, Department of
Economics and Natural Resources, KVL, Denmark. 21 p.
Development of the forest
sector in Indonesia. Sunderlin, W.D. In: Palo, M.and Uusivuori, J. (eds.) World
forests, society and environment, 214-221. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, London, Boston.
Diversified management of
natural forests: Changing roles of tropical silviculture. Sayer, J.A. Paper presented at
the 26th anniversary and inauguration of the chair of tropical forest management, CATIE,
Turrialba, Costa Rica, 18 March 1999. 7p.
Dynamics of secondary
forests in slash-and-burn farming: Interactions among land use types in the Peruvian
Amazon. Smith, J., Van de Kop, P., Reategui, K., Lombardi, I., Sabogal, C. and Diaz, A.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 76: 85-98.
Dynamique de la forêt
mixte à diptérocaroacées de basse altitude avant et après traitement sylvicole.
Nguyen-The, N., Favrichon, V., Sist, P., Houde, L. and Fauvet, N. Bois et Forêts des
Tropiques 259: 25-44. |
Top |
E Early response of selected
tree species to liberation thinning in a young secondary forest in Northeastern Costa
Rica. Guariguata, M.R. Forest Ecology and Management 124 (1999) 255-261. ISSN 0378-1127
characterization of tree species for guiding forest management decision in seasonally dry
forests in Lomerío, Bolivia. Pinard, M.A., Putz, F.E., Rumíz, D., Guzman, R. and Jardim,
A. Forest Ecology and Management 113: 201-213.
Ecosystems, Timber and
Biodiversity. Sayer, J.A. Paper presented on session 8 of the Norway/UN conference on the
ecosystem approach for sustainable use of biological diversity, September 1999
Trondheim, NorwayProceedings trondheim conferences on biodiversity, edited by Peter Johan
Schei, Odd T. Sandlund and Rita Strand.
El Castillo. La
colonización y las empresas madereras en una zona de amortiguamiento. Larson, A. and
Barahona, T. El Papel de los Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestión de los Recursos
Naturales. Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR, PROTIERRA-Inifom. 95p.
El Sauce. La
organización comunitaria como base para el desarrollo. Martínez, T. and Rocha, J.L. El
Papel de los Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestión de los Recursos Naturales.
Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR, PROTIERRA-Inifom. 49p.
Eucalypt plantations.
Turnbull, J.W. New Forests 17: 37-52. [Also published: In: Boyle, J.R., Winjum,
J.K., Kavanagh, K. and Jensen, E.C. (eds.) Planted forests: contributions to the quest for
sustainable societies, 37-52. Forest series Vol. 56. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, Boston,
dAustralie: Habitats naturels et dynamique devolution. Cossalter, C.,
Vigneron, P. and Brooker, M.I.H. Le Flamboyant 49-mars 1999: 15-20
Évolution et diversité
du concept daménagement forestier. Bertrand, A., Babin, D. and Nasi, R. Bois et
Forêts des Tropiques 260: 33-40. |
Top |
F Forest operations and multiple resource management. Dykstra, D.P. Keynote
presentation to the International Mountain Logging and 10th Pacific Northwest Skyline
Symposium, "New Technologies for Harvesting Systems, People, and the Environment in
Mountainous Terrain", March 28-April 1, 1999, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
Oregon, USA. 11p.
Forest protected areas.
Sayer, J.A. Paper presented at the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests, Brazil-United
States of America Initiative, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 15-19 March 1999. 8p.
Forest science research
needs and priorities for sustainable forest management. Byron, R.N. and Sayer, J.A. In:
A.G. Brown (ed.) Sustainable forest management: proceedings of the Hermon Slade
International Workshop held at Melbourne, 30 November-4 December 1998, 1-8. Crawford Fund,
Parkville, Victoria, Australia. ISBN 0 643 06316 1
Forests, policies, and
people on the Central American agricultural frontier. Kaimowitz, D. and Paupitz, J. In:
Palo, M. and Uusivuori, J. (eds.) World forests, society, and environment, 247-253. Vol.
1. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, Netherlands. |
Top |
G Gerard, C. and Nasi, R. Les
Bibliographies du CIRAD, No. 10. Montpellier, France, CIRAD-Forêt. 145p.
Gestión des
écosystèmes forestiers denses dAfrique tropicale humide. Références
bibliographiques. Dupuy, B. and Nasi, R. (editeurs). CD-ROM
Gestión des
écosystèmes forestiers denses dAfrique tropicale humide: 2. Congo. Dupuy, B.,
Loumeto, J., Amsallem, I.,
localisation and protected areas. Sayer, J.A. In:. McNeely, J.A. (ed.) IUCNs
50th anniversary celebration; results of imagine tomorrows world: symposium
workshop, 125-136. IUCN. Also published in: Partnerships for Protection: New
Strategies for Planning and Management for Protected Areas, Sue Stolton and Nigel Dudley
(eds.) Earthscan Publications Ltd, London. pp. 29-38
Guidelines for applying
multi-criteria analysis to the assessment of criteria and indicators. Mendoza, G.A. and
Macoun, P. with Prabhu, R., Sukadri, D., Purnomo, H. and Hartanto, H. The Criteria &
Indicators Toolbox Series No. 9. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID. 84p. ISBN 979-8764-27-7
Guidelines for
developing, testing and selecting criteria and indicators for sustainable forest
management. Prabhu, R., Colfer, C.J.P., Dudley, R.G. The Criteria & Indicators Toolbox
Series No. 1. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID. 186p. ISBN 979-8764-24-2 |
Top |
I Improving smallholder farming systems in Imperata
areas of Southeast Asia: Alternatives to shifting cultivation. Menz, K., Magcale-Macandog,
D. and Rusatra, I.W. (eds.) ACIAR Monograph No. 52. Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research, Canberra. ISBN 1-86320-223-4
Income generation through
rehabilitation of imperata grasslands: Production of Vitex pubescens as a source of
charcoal. Utama, R., Rantan, D., De Jong, W. and Budhi, S. In: Roshetko, J.M.,
Evans, D.O. (eds.) Domestication of agroforestry trees in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of a
Regional Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 4-7, 1997, 175-184. [Also published as:
Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research Reports, Special Issue, 1999. Winrock
International and ICRAF, Morrilton, USA.]. ISBN 979-8764-22-6 |
Top |
L Ladaption de
laménagement forestier a des situations diverses. Bertrand, A., Babin, D. and Nasi,
R. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 261: 39-48.
forestier au Gabon: Historique, bilan, perpectives. Drouineau, S. and Nasi, R. Serie
FORAFRI, 19. CIRAD-Forêt, France. 64p.
Limpact de la crise
économique sur les populations, les migrations et le couvert forestier du Sud-Cameroun.
Kemajou, J.P.W. and Sunderlin, W. Occasional Paper No. 25. CIFOR, Bogor. 23p. ISSN
Limportance des
produits forestiers non-ligneux pour les communautés rurales et urbaines du Cameroun.
Eyebe, A., Ndoye, O. and Ruiz-Perez, M. Papier présenté à la Troisiè Réunion du
Réseau de la Foresterie Communautaire. Yaoundé, 4-5 Mai 1999
La situacion de los
bosques tropicales. Ruiz-Pérez, M. and Byron, R.N. In: Homenaje a don ángel Ramos
Fernández (1926-1998). Tomo I, 245 - 252. Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y
Naturales; Academia de Ingenieria; Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Montes, UPM.
Land use change in
soybean production systems in the Brazilian savanna: "The role of policy and market
conditions". Smith, J., Cadavid, J.V., Ayarza, M., de Aguiar, J.L.P. and Rosa, R.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 15: 95-117.
Laporan survey kawasan
desa di hulu DAS Malinau, kecamatan Malinau (19 Pebruari s/d 4 Maret 1999). Laway,
P.S.S.T. and Bit, Y. Tanjung Selor, WWF-Kayan Mentarang, CIFOR, PLASMA. 25p.
Le marche des produits
forestiers non ligneux de IAfrique Centrale en France et en Belgique: produits,
acteurs, circuits de distribution et debouches actuels. Tabuna, H. Occasional Paper, No.
19. CIFOR, Bogor. 32p. ISSN 0854-9818
León. Dilemas en la
gestión del bosque seco y del area manglar. Mendoza, R. and Artola, N. El Papel de los
Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestión de los Recursos Naturales. Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR,
PROTIERRA-Inifom. 18p.
Les approches
participatives dans la gestión des ecosystèmes forestiers dAfrique centrale: Revue
des initiatives existantes. Nguinguiri, J.C. Occasional Paper No. 23. CIFOR, Bogor. 24p.
ISSN 0854-9818
Les composantes de
laménagement forestier et leurs incidences financières. Bertrand, A., Babin, D.
and Nasi, R. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 261: 51-58.
Les effets de la crise
economique et la devaluation sur lutilisation des plantes medicinales au Cameroun.
Implications pour la gestion durable des forets. Ndoye, O., Ruiz-Perez, M., Desire, M.A.
and Ngono, D.A. Papier présenté à lAtelier International FORAFRI
(CIRAD-Forêt/CIFOR) sur la gestión durable des Forêts denses humides Africaines
aujourdhui, Libreville, Gabon, 12-16 Octobre 1998. 15p |
Top |
M Management Advice from Tree
Measurements. Vanclay, J.K. In: O. Gideon and F. Oavika (eds.) Permanent Sample
Plots and Growth Models for Natural Forest Management in PNG. Proceedings of Workshop, PNG
Forest Research Institute, Lae, 10-13 November 1998. p. 93-102.
Management of secondary
and logged-over forests in Indonesia. Sist, P., Sabogal, C. and Byron, Y. (eds.) Selected
Proceedings of an International Workshop 17-19 November 1997. CIFOR, Bogor. 114p. ISBN
Marketing of non-wood
forest products in the humid forest zone of Cameroon. Ruiz-Perez, M., Ndoye, O. and Eyebe,
A. Unasylva 198: 12-19.
Melaleuca quinquenervia
(Cav.) S.T. Blake. Doran, J.C. and Turnbull, J.W. In: Oyen, L.P.A. and Nguyen, X.D.
(eds.) Essential-oil plants, 131-135. Plant Resources of South-East Asia, No. 19.
Backhuys, Leiden.
Moving to local control
of woodland resources can CAMPFIRE go beyond the mega-fauna. Campbell, B.M., Byron,
N., Hobane, P., Matose, F., Madzudzo, E. and Wily, L. Society and Natural Resources 12:
501-509. |
Top |
N Non-wood forest product markets and potential
degradation of the forest resource in Central Africa: The role of research in finding a
balance between welfare improvement and forest conservation. Ndoye, O., Ruiz-Perez, M. and
Eyebe, A. In: Sunderland, T.C.H., Clark, L.E. and Vantomme, P. (eds.) Non-wood
forest products of Central Africa: current research issues and prospects for conservation
and development, 183-206. Rome: FAO. |
Top |
O Objectifs et méthodologies.
Bertault, J.-G., Sist, P. and Nguyen-The, N. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 259: 7-15.
On yield regulation for
sustainable forestry, with examples from Queensland. Vanclay, J.K. Paper to Workshop on
Growth and Yield Regulation with Minimal Data, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 5-9 July
1999. 5 p.
Organising forestry
research to meet the challenges of the information age. Byron, R.N. and Sayer, J.A.
International Forestry Review 1: 4-10. |
Top |
P Pedoman pembalakan berdampak
rendah untuk hutan dipterocarpa lahan rendah dan bukit di Indonesia. Sist, P., Dykstra, D.
and Fimbel, R. Bulungan Research Report Series No. 1b, August 1999, 15p. This paper is
translated from Reduced-impact logging guidelines for lowland and hill dipterocarp forests
in Indonesia, Bulungan Research Series No. 1, September 1998/CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 15
Plantas Amazonicas de uso
medicinal: Diagnóstico de un sector económico con un potencial de realización.
Nalvarte, W., de Jong, W. and Domíngues, G. Center for International Forestry Research
and Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Peru. 102p.
Policy options related to
roads in tropical forests. Kaimowitz, D. In: Road infrastructures in tropical
forests: road to development or road to destruction?, 37-38. FAO, Rome.
Posoltega. La necesidad
de articular esfuerzos y recursos en torno a la reforestación. Fauné, A. and Kaimowitz,
D. El Papel de los Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestión de los Recursos Naturales.
Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR, PROTIERRA-Inifom. 94p.
Produits forestiers
autres que le bois doeuvre (PFAB): Place dans lamenagement durable des forets
humides dAfrique Centrale. Tchatat, M., Ndoye, O., and Nasi, R. Serie FORAFRI, 18.
CIRAD-Forêt, France. 95p.
Promoting forest
conservation through ecotourism income? Wunder, S. A case study from the Ecuadorian Amazon
region. Occasional Paper, No. 21. CIFOR, Bogor. 24p. ISSN 0854-9818
Pterocarpus macrocarpus:
Genetics, seed biology and nursery production. Coles, J.F. and Boyle, T. CIFOR, Bogor.
123p. ISBN 979-8764-31-5
Puerto Morazán. La
camaronicultura: ¿un espejismo en tiere salada? Rocha, J.L. and Barahona, T. El Papel de
los Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestiónde los Recursos Naturales. Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR,
PROTIERRA-Inifom. 99p. |
Top |
R Remote sensing and
statistical analysis as tools to understand forest livelihood strategies. Dewi, S.,
Fernandez, C.G., Perez, M.R., Belcher, B., Angelsen, A., de Agarl, R.M., Loken, A. and
Lutnaes, K. In: Laumonier, Y., King, B., Legg, C. and Rennolls, K. (eds.) Data
management and modelling using remote sensing and GIS for tropical forest land inventory,
543-546. Rodeo, Jakarta. ISBN 979-95696-0-5.
Rethinking the causes of
deforestation: lessons from economic models. Angelsen, A. and Kaimowitz, D. World Bank
Research Observer 14: 73-98. |
Top |
S San Carlos ¿Una oprtunidad
despreciada? Larson, A. and Barahona, T. El Papel de los Gobiernos Municipales en la
Gestión de los Recursos Naturales. Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR, PROTIERRA-Inifom. 106p.
Scoring and analysis
guide. Salim, A. and Colfer, C.J.P. with McDougall, C. The Criteria & Indicators
Toolbox Series No. 7. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID. 140p. ISBN 979-8764-25-0
Self-governance and
forest resources. Ostrom, E. Occasional Paper No. 20. CIFOR, Bogor. 15p. ISSN 0854-9818
Site management and
productivity in tropical plantation forests: Workshop proceedings 16-20 February 1998,
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Nambiar, E.K.S., Cossalter, C. and Tiarks, A. (eds.)
CIFOR, Bogor. ISBN 979-8764-33-1
Somotillo. Las gestión
de cuencas una necesidad impostergable. Martinez, T. and Mendoza, R. El Papel de los
Gobiernos Municipales en la Gestión de los Recursos Naturales. Nitlapán-UCA, CIFOR,
PROTIERRA-Inifom. 62p.
Spatial regression
analysis of deforestation in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Kaimowitz, D., Mendez, P., Puntodewo, A.
and Vanclay, J.K. Paper presented to Conference on Patterns and Processes of Land Use and
Forest Change in the Amazon, 23-26 March 1999, Gainesville, Florida. 21p.
Spatially explicit model
of deforestation in Bolivia. Vanclay, J.K., Kaimowitz, D., Puntodewo, A. and Mendez, P. In:
Laumonier, Y., King, B., Legg, C. and Rennolls, K. (eds.) Data management and modelling
using remote sensing and GIS for tropical forest land inventory, 371-382. Rodeo, Jakarta.
ISBN 979-95696-0-5
Structure et floristique
de la forêt primaire à diptérocarpacées de lEst-Kalimantan. Sist, P. and
Saridan, A. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 259: 16-24. |
Top |
T Technological change in
agriculture and tropical deforestation: Definitions, theories and hypotheses. Angelsen,
A., Kaimowitz, D., Holden, S., Smith, J., and Vosti, S. Paper presented at the CIFOR
Workshop on Technical Change in Agriculture and Deforestation, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa
Rica, 11-13 March 1999.
The BAG (Basic Assessment
Guide for Human Well-Being). Colfer, C.J.P. et al. The Criteria & Indicators Toolbox
Series No. 5. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID. 79p. ISBN 979-8764-21-82
The CIFOR criteria and
indicators generic template. CIFOR C&I Team. The Criteria & Indicators Toolbox
Series No. 2. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID. 53p. ISBN 979-8764-29-3
The CIFOR criteria and
indicators resource book database (CD-ROM and user manual). McDougall, C., Isbadi, I.R.,
Santoso, L., Corless, M. and Purnomo, H. (eds.) The Criteria & Indicators Toolbox
Series No. 4. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID.
The effect of population
and migration on forest cover in Indonesia. Sunderlin, W. and Resosudarmo, I.A.P. Journal
of Enviroment and Development 8: 152-169.
The effects of economic
crisis and political change on Indonesias forest sector, 1997-99. Sunderlin, W.
http://www.cgiar.org/cifor/research/projects/effect-crisis.html (15 November 1999)
The effects of structural
adjustment on deforestation and forest degradation in lowland Bolivia. Kaimowitz, D.,
Thiele, G. and Pacheco, P. World Development 27: 505-520.
The Grab Bag:
Supplementary methods for assessing human well-being. Colfer, C.J.P. et al. The Criteria
& Indicators Toolbox Series No. 6. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID. 64p.
The role of bamboo
plantations in rural development: The case of Anji County, Zhejiang, China. Ruiz-Pérez,
M., Zhong, M., Belcher, B., Xie, C., Fu, M. and Xie, J. World Development 27: 101-114.
The state of the
worlds forest biodiversity. Sayer, J. A. and Iremonger, S. I Palo, M. and Uusivuori,
J. (eds.) World forests, society and environment, 129-134. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht,
The world heritage
convention as a mechanism for tropical forest conservation. Sayer, J.A., Iremonger, S.,
Ishwaran, N. and Thorsell, J. In: Thulstrup, H.D. (ed.). World natural heritage and
the local community, 33-45. UNESCO World Heritage.
Traditional wisdom meets
artificial intelligence. Haggith, M. and Colfer, C.J.P. Agroforestry Forum 9: 24-30.
Tree trade:
Liberalization of international commerce in forest products: risks and opportunities.
Sizer, N., Downes, D. and Kaimowitz, D. Forest Notes, November 1999. World Resources
Institute. 23p.
Tropical forest
diversity, environmental change and species augmentation: After the intermediate
disturbance hypothesis. Sheil, D. Journal of Vegetation Science 10: 851-860.
TROPIS - networking
research with permanent plots. Vanclay, J.K. In: O. Gideon and F. Oavika (eds).
Permanent Sample Plots and Growth Models for Natural Forest Management in PNG. Proceedings
of Workshop, PNG Forest Research Institute, Lae, 10-13 November 1998. p. 103-111. |
Top |
U Una de gato: fate and future
of a Peruvian forest resource. de Jong, W., Melnyk, M., Lozano, L.A., Rosales, M. and
Garcia, M. Occasional Paper No. 22. CIFOR, Bogor. 15p. ISSN 0854-9818
Understanding local
peoples use of time: A pre-condition for good co-management. Colfer, C.J.P., Wadley,
R.L. and Venkateswarlu, P. Environmental Conservation 26: 41-52. |
Top |
What futures for the
people of the tropical forests? Byron, R.N. and Arnold, M. World Development 27: 789-805.
Who counts most?
Assessing human well-being in sustainable forest management. Colfer, C.P.J., Prabhu, R.,
Günter, M., McDougall, C., Porro, N.M. and Porro, R. The Criteria & Indicators
Toolbox Series No. 8. CIFOR, EU, GTZ and USAID. 62p. ISBN 979-8764-26-9
Why do farmers expand
their land into forests? Theories and evidence from Tanzania. Angelsen, A. Environment and
Development Economics 4: 313-331.
Why do farmers expand
their land into forests? Theories and evidence from Tanzania. Angelsen, A., Shitindi, Eric
F. Katemansimba and Aarrestad, J. Environment and Development Economics 4: 313-331.
(Reprinted from Journal of Development Economics)
World heritage forests:
The world heritage convention as a mechanism for conserving tropical forest biodiversity.
CIFOR, UNESCO, UNESCO World Heritage Centre. CIFOR Ad Hoc Publication. CIFOR, UNESCO,
UNESCO WHC. Bogor. 54p. ISBN 979-8764-23-4 |
Top |