Annual Report

Ensuring access to rights for all

What do gender and social inclusion have to do with forests and trees? Across tropical landscapes, CIFOR-ICRAF is working with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women’s organizations, civil society, local governments and private companies to shift longstanding inequalities into opportunities for collaboration and transformative change.

CIFOR-ICRAF led the chapter on Indigenous Peoples and Local Community land rights in the flagship Land Gap Report, which highlights the disconnect between the many carbon-related land pledges and the actual amount of land available. At a COP27 side event, CIFOR-ICRAF raised the importance of placing justice at the heart of climate action.

Launched at COP27, the World Bank’s new Enhancing Access to Benefits while Lowering Emissions (EnABLE) Trust Fund aims to ensure that marginalized and disadvantaged communities are fully engaged in results-based climate finance, participate in the implementation of programmes, and share in the benefits derived from them. CIFOR-ICRAF designed a social inclusion strategy for results-based climate finance for the fund, to provide guidance on how to ensure that social inclusion and gender equity are fully integrated in the World Bank’s results-based climate finance activities.

Our work on equity in multistakeholder platforms shows that having a place at the table is not enough to ensure accountability for Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Since we published the tool How Are We Doing? tool in 2020, it has attracted interest from multiple actors for training in its use, along with our other tools for managing landscapes inclusively.

Gender transformative approaches (GTAs) are an essential means to secure women’s land rights. CIFOR-ICRAF has been working collaboratively with staff from the International Fund for Agricultural Development to conduct gender analyses, pilot context-appropriate GTAs to advance the recognition and protection of women’s land rights in various IFAD projects, and scale up the GTA agenda. In Ethiopia, the team held a demand-driven technical support training session on qualitative data analysis to support a better understanding among IFAD project staff of the ‘why and how’ of gender research.

Refugee-hosting or displacement settings face a complex set of social, environmental and conflict-related issues. But despite their relevance, integrated landscape approaches have not been applied or adapted to such contexts. CIFOR-ICRAF and partners joined forces to collect relevant experiences and inputs, releasing a tool called the Guidance for a Landscape Approach in Displacement Settings (GLADS) to build resilience in these settings by ensuring that the voices of the voiceless are heard.

In collaboration with Regreening Africa (see p. 6), researchers applied the asset-based community-driven development (ABCD) approach in Homa Bay County, Kenya, to co-develop individual and community action plans that “start with what you have and where you are” (see video). And as part of a project funded by UK PACT, a series of workshops explored gender-transformative approaches to restoration.

Sustainable – and equitable – landscapes in the Amazon

For the World Bank’s Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, CIFOR-ICRAF conducted participatory research on six successful cases of conservation and sustainable development initiatives linked to the program in Brazil, Colombia and Peru to identify the conditions that lead to better gender balance and inclusion of women – whether Indigenous, Afro-descendant, protected area residents, campesinas, fisherwomen or peri-urban dwellers.

The final report identified three main patterns in the trajectory of women’s participation, namely awareness-raising processes, new opportunities to broaden and strengthen participation, and a catalytic effect that mobilizes other women to step up.

Noting that the existence of the opportunity to participate does not guarantee that potential will be realized, the authors gave recommendations that can contribute to the design of a strategy aimed at promoting greater gender equity in conservation interventions.

© Marlon del Aguila/CIFOR-ICRAF

This work has been supported by the European Union; International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV); International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); Norad; and the World Bank.
