Overall objective
- Contribute to the development of climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture, forestry, and food systems in Zambia to help achieve the Nationally Determined Contributions
Specific objectives
- Improve livelihoods and climate change resilience of specific agricultural, agroforestry, forestry, and food systems in the Lower Zambezi–Luangwa–Nyika corridor;
- Increase the climate relevance of Agriculture and Knowledge Innovation Systems in the Lower Zambezi–Luangwa–Nyika corridor.
The action uses multi-disciplinary and participatory research and development activities to co-identify, co-develop, implement, and improve selected value chains from primary production to the markets. The main research activities include baseline studies, co-identification and assessment of improvement potential of the value chains , participatory mapping and carbon modelling in selected landscapes. Pre-and post-pilot data collection will facilitate performance assessments of selected value chains and piloted innovations. Furthermore, the project will assess trade-offs and synergies of the value chains’ different ecosystem services and livelihood outcomes and pathways to scale up the improved value chains supported.
Business and technical pilots within selected value chains are significant activities of the action, ensuring practical application of innovations and scaling up and developing the value chains. In addition, the action will support co-learning and capacity building through multi-actor platforms, training, awareness-raising campaigns, farmer field schools and business incubation centres. Learning events at schools, universities and communities, participatory mapping and multi-governance workshops, targeted dissemination, policy dialogue, and cooperation programming will also be supported. The project will tailor capacity-building and awareness-raising activities to meet the local and territorial, and landscape-level needs identified during the inception phase of the action and to support the local Agriculture and Knowledge Innovation Systems.
The Z4ABC project will be implemented in the Lower Zambezi – Luangwa – Nyika corridor, stretching across central and eastern Zambia from April 2022 to March 2026.