In Uganda, IFAD is working to increase the incomes of rural households living in poverty, along with improving their food security and reducing their vulnerability. Activities target two groups:
- Poor smallholder households who have the potential to commercialize their economic activities;
- and Extremely vulnerable households who have limited livelihood options and are generally bypassed by development initiatives.
The IFAD country strategic opportunities programme has three objectives:
- Increase the production, productivity and climate resilience of smallholder agriculture;
- Enhance the integration of smallholders into markets; and
- Increase access to and use of financial services by rural people.

National Oil Palm Project (NOPP)
The NOPP supports inclusive rural transformation through oil palm investment. NOPP aims to sustainably increase rural livelihoods through opportunities generated from building a more efficient oil palm industry that complies with modern environmental and social standards. Overall, it is estimated that 30,800 poor and vulnerable rural households will benefit directly from NOPP activities.
Source: IFAD, n.d., National oil palm project (NOPP). IFAD, viewed 26 May 2021,
Source: IFAD, n.d., Project for the Restoration of Livelihoods in the Northern Region. IFAD, viewed 26 May
Initiative contacs
Emily Gallagher
Scientist and Rural Development Specialist
Mohamed El-Ghazaly
IFAD Country Director
Susan Lakwonero
NOPP Project Manager