Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation



CIFOR-ICRAF is engaged to provide scientific and technical support to particular outputs of the project, as indicated in the chart below:
Component 1: Restored landscapes that support climate resilient agro-ecological systems and livelihoods in Eastern Province
Output 1.1: Diversified agroforestry packages scaled-up.
Output 1.3: Scaled-up climate resilient silvopastoral packages to restore degraded rangelands.



Athanase Mukuralinda

Component lead

CIFOR-ICRAF Country Coordinator, Rwanda

Jean Damascene Ndayambaje

Field Project Manager

Component 2: Market and Value chain development for climate resilient agricultural and tree products linked to the financial products and services for sustainable management of agro-ecological systems.

Component 2.2

Component 2.2 has two key objectives: 1) to reinforce climate resilience in key agricultural and tree crop value chains in the Eastern Province of Rwanda; 2) to strengthen value chain capacities and associated infrastructure in this Province. Activities in this component will enhance climate resilience in the selected value chains through client-specific capacity building among diverse groups of value chain actors and stakeholders, building on local knowledge and stakeholder networks and boosting the infrastructural capacity for climate and market services.

The principal activities in this component comprise:

  1. Identification and implementation of interventions to improve climate resilience in selected value chains of wood fuel, honey, beeswax, dairy and tree crop.
  2. Building local capacity for climate resilience and farm-level production energy efficiency in value chains
  3. Co-establish climate-resilient infrastructure for major agricultural products and commodities.
  4. Expand Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to boost information systems and decision support tools for climate resilience and farm-level energy efficiency in value chains stated above.

Highlights of the achievements within component 2.2

Some of the successes within this component include:

  1. Conducted rapid assessments for different cooperatives involved in beekeeping and value chains to identify gaps and opportunities.
  2. Development of assessment tools for different bee, fodder, and tree-crop value chains. In addition, developed tools for rural resource centres assessment, capacity needs assessment, and ICT needs assessment.
  3. Building on the existing gaps and opportunities, training guides and manuals for use by the cooperatives and training facilitators are being development
  4. Conducted participatory training over 45 beekeeping cooperatives to strengthen their capacity for producing quality honey and adding value to bee products.
  5. Conducted a business roundtable as a platform for sharing information and knowledge, establishing partnerships among the stakeholders involved in bee value chains

Activity photos


Dietmar Stoian

Component lead

Lead scientist, Value chains, private sector engagement and investments

Jane Mutune


Component 3: strengthening of enabling environment to effectively plan, manage and monitor climate adaptation for improved land use at national and decentralized levels.

Outcome 3: Strengthened institutional and regulatory systems for climate-responsive planning and development.

Output 3.3: Seed and seedling supply systems are enhanced to provide diverse climate adapted species and varieties.


Ramni Jamnadass

Component lead

Theme Leader, CIFOR-ICRAF HQ Kenya

Lars Graudal

Component lead

CIFOR-ICRAF Co-Team Leader, Trees and forest genetic resources, and biodiversity



  • Hendre, Prasad, 2024: Report on Stakeholder Consultation Workshop for Species Prioritization Under TREPA Project for Output 3.3 held on 26th October 2023. ICRAF February 2024. 51 pp.
  • Ouedraogo, M, Dawson, IK, Muthemba, S 2024: Draft Training needs assessment report for tree seed and seedling supply, the Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation project (TREPA), Rwanda. ICRAF February 2024. 39 pp.


  • Kindt, R, Graudal, L, Jamnadass, R, Pedercini, F, McMullin, S, Hendre, PS, Carsan, S, Moestrup, S, Abiyu, A, Lillesø, J-PB & Dawson, IK 2023, ‘Operationalizing Climate Appropriate Portfolios of Tree Diversity’,CIFOR-ICRAF infobrief, no. 383, pp 1-8
  • Breeding team visit Report May 2023. Species, sites, sources, nursery, design and timeline. 7pp (Prasad Hendre, Adja Diallo, Fabio Pedercini, Albin Lobo, Verene Nyiramvuyekure, Yves Shema, Marie Claire Twiragijimana, Jean Damascene Ndayambaje, Carsten Tom Nørgaard)
  • Trip Report on seed collections in Kirehe, Nyagatare, and Ngoma districts, May-June 2023, 6pp. (Verene Nyiramvuyekure, Yves Shema, Marie Claire Twiragijimana).
  • Update on Collection and Supply of Seeds and Propagules for Establishing Clonal and Breeding Seed Orchards in the Year 2023 Under TREPA. CIFOR-ICRAF TREEs unit Genebank Team Sub-report No. 1, June 2023 (Prasad Hendre, Zakayo Kinyanjui, Valentine Gitonga)
  • Trip report on Training of Village Leaders, and Farmers for Seed Sourcing from Four Sites in Rwanda (Rutsiro Karongi, Nyamasheke and Rusizi) and Collection of Available Seeds of Maesopsis eminii from the Same Sites. 13th to 25th June 2023. CIFOR-ICRAF 3.3 Technician Team (Marie Claire Twiragijimana, Yves Shema, Verene Nyiramvuyekure, and Bruce Benjamin Muvunyi).
  • Final Complete Report on Survey, Collection, and Shipping of ~50 Mango Clones Including Root Stocks from Kenya (Kenya Kamiti Prisons Farm and KALRO Thika Mango field genebank). CIFOR-ICRAF TREEs Unit Tree Genebank Team. Final Report no. 1, 22 June to 5 July 2023 (Zakayo Kinyanjui, Valentine Gitonga, Agnes Were, Joyce Chege, Ludy Keino, Prasad Hendre)
  • Kindt, R, Pedercini, F and Graudal, L, 2023. Selection of a master list of priority tree species, including some potential seed sources for TREPA Output 3.3. ICRAF June 2023. 64 pp.
  • Training course report on Seed Source description (SSD) and Breeding Seed Orchard (BSO) establishment, including guidelines on seed sources and for the establishment of Breeding Seed Orchards (BSOs). Training carried out at Huye Tree Seed Centre, 6 -13 July 2023. 80 pp (Abrham Abiyu, Carsten Tom Nørgaard, Duncan Sanders, Verene Nyiramvuyekure)
  • Trip Report on Seedbed Preparation and Sowing of Maesopsis eminii and Pterygota mildbraedii Seeds at Nyagatare Rural Resource Center (RRC) Nursery, Karangazi sector, Nyagatare district. 29th June to 1st July 2023. CIFOR-ICRAF TREPA 3.3 Technician Team (Marie Claire Twiragujimana, Verene Nyiramvuyekure and Yves Shema)
  • Trip Report on Pricking out of Maesopsis and Pterygota Seedling at Nyagatare Rural Resource Center (RRC), Karangazi sector, Nyagatare district, August 2023. 6pp. (Verene Nyiramvuyekure and Yves Shema).
  • Trip Report on Seed and Leaf Collection for Maesopsis eminii from Wundanyi -Taita Taveta County in Kenya from 31st July to 5th August 2023. CIFOR-ICRAF TREEs Unit Tree Genebank (Zakayo Kinyanjui, Samuel Muthemba, Robert Kariba).
  • Trip Report on Seed and Leaf Collection for Maesopsis eminii from Five Counties in Kenya (Siaya, Kisumu, Vihiga, Busia and Kakamega) from 10th to 15th August 2023. CIFOR-ICRAF TREEs Unit Tree Genebank (Jantor Ndalo, Agnes Were, and Ludy Keino).
  • Training course report on: Priority species selection, seed sources, seed procurement, nursery operation and field planting vs direct sowing, including training material. Gatsibo, Rwanda, 21-25 August 2023. 89 pp (Lars Schmidt, Abrham Abiyu, Yves Shema)
  • Trip Report on Monitoring and Assessing the Health of the Mango Grafts Targeted for Establishing Mango Clonal Seed Orchard (CSO) in the Eastern Province After Pesticide Treatment, Kigali Rwanda. 28th August 2023. CIFOR-ICRAF TREPA 3.3 Technician Team (Marie Claire Twiragujimana and Yves Shema)
  • Field trip report on identification of pest affecting mango scion seedlings and proposition of management options. Marie Claire TWIRAGIJIMANA, Verene NYIRAMVUYEKURE and Dr. Bellancile UZAYISENGA. 6-7th September 2023, 2023, Kigali.
  • Establishment of small nursery and relocation of grafted mango at Mulindi (HCoE). Contacts for BSOs establishment and the relevant labour at Nyagatare and Kirehe districts. Tree seed nursery monitoring at Nyagatare district, Nyagashanga RRCField. Trip Report. Marie Claire TWIRAGIJIMANA, Verene NYIRAMVUYEKURE and Yves SHEMA. 12-14th September 2023, Kigali, Nyagatare and Kirehe_Rwanda.
  • Follow up on the pesticide spraying activities on Mango seedlings at Mulindi (HCoE). Field trip report. Marie Claire TWIRAGIJIMANA, 21st September 2023, Kigali
  • Pedercini, F., Kindt, R., Dawson, I.K., Lillesø, J-P.B., Mukuralinda, A., Ndayambaje, J. D., Jamnadass, R., Graudal, L. 2023. Priority landscapes for tree-based restoration in Rwanda. ICRAF September 2023. 43 pp.
  • Lillesø, J-P.B., Ngethe, E., Pedercini, F. 2023: Report on Seed-seedling demand, and certification of seed sources in Rwanda with focus on Eastern Province. ICRAF September 2023.30 pp.
  • Breeding visit November 2023. Two breeding seed orchards were established for Maesopsis eminii in Nyagatare and Kirehe and establishment reports for the same were made. Two trials were established with family blocks for Pterygota mildbraedii also in Nyagatare and Kirehe. Two clonal seed orchards were established in Nyagatare and Bugesera.
  • Assessing the RAB site in Bugesera, where Mango mother blocks will be established. Field activities report. Yves Shema and Prasad Hendre. 11, 2023, Bugesera, Rwanda.
  • BSO layout and land preparation at Nyagatare District, Rwimiyaga Sector and Labelling the Maesopsis eminii at Nyagatare RRC Field activities Report. Marie Claire TWIRAGIJIMANA and Albin Lobo. 8-10th 11, 2023, Nyagatare, Rwanda
  • Establishment of BSO site live fence and individual tree fencing by Cesalpinia decapitala seeds sowing around BSO site at Nyagatare site in Eastern Province.  Field activities report. Marie Claire TWIRAGIJIMANA. 6-7th December 2023, Nyagatare_Rwanda.
  • Establishment of BSO live fence and individual tree fencing by Cesalpinia decapitala seeds sowing around BSO site at Kirehe in Eastern Province. Field Trip Report. Yves Shema. 12-13 December 2023, Kirehe_Rwanda.
  • November 2023. Breeding Team (Fabio Pedercini, Albin Lobo, Carsten Tom Nørgaard, Zakayo Kinyanjui, Marie Claire Twiragijimana, Yves Shema, Amani Rukundo Nshutiyimana) Visit Deliverables:
    • Establishment of two breeding seed orchards for Maesopsis eminii in Nyagatare and Kirehe, accompanied by establishment reports.
    • Establishment of two trials featuring family blocks for Pterygota mildbraedii in Nyagatare and Kirehe accompanied by establishment reports.
    • Establishment of two clonal seed orchards of mango in Nyagatare and Bugesera accompanied by establishment reports.
  • Report on deliverables, 2023: Output 1.1.: Diversified agroforestry packages scaled-up (PDF)
  • Report on deliverables, 2023: Output 1.3: Scale-up climate resilient silvopastoral packages to restore degraded rangelands (PDF)


  • Kindt, R. 2021. Climate Change Analysis with Worldclim 2.1 [for Rwanda]. Volume 1. Additional analysis focused on the moisture index for critical months. ICRAF, Nairobi, April 2021. 44 pp.
  • Kindt, R. 2021. Climate Change Analysis with Worldclim 2.1 [for Rwanda]. Volume 2. Additional analysis focused on the the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). ICRAF, Nairobi, April 2021. 13 pp.
  • Kindt, R. 2021. Climate Change Analysis with Bias-Corrected Global Climate Model Data [for Rwanda]. Additional analysis with historical and future projections of MPI-ESM-LR and weather station data from Eastern Province. ICRAF, Nairobi, May 2021. 41 pp.


  • Kindt, R. 2019. A Climate Change Analysis for Rwanda. Projected changes for the middle of the 21st century inferred from WorldClim and AFRICLIM geospatial data. ICRAF, Nairobi, March 2019. 46 pp.