Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation (TREPA)

A paradigm shift in land management practices in Rwanda’s Eastern Province to build resilience in the landscape to sustain agro-ecological systems and livelihoods


World Agroforestry (ICRAF), in collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Ministry of Environment, Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA), Enabel, World Vision and Cordaid, is implementing the “Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation” (TREPA) project in the Eastern Province of Rwanda. Funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the six-year project is running through 2027 with the aim to shift from degraded to resilient landscapes, and from fragile to sustainable livelihoods.

TREPA intends to increase the resilience of 75,000 smallholder farmers and restore 60,000 ha of drought-prone degraded landscapes as climate-resilient ecosystems through agroforestry, soil erosion control, reforestation, and the restoration of pasturelands, including economic incentives linked with the development of value chains of climate-resilient agricultural and tree products.

Within the framework of the project, ICRAF leads Outputs 1.1, 1.3, 2.2 and 3.3. In relation to Output 2.2, the focus is on strengthening smallholder enterprises and their positioning in tree crop, bee product and fodder value chains.


Athanase Mukuralinda

Project principal investigator

Ramni Jamnadass

Theme Leader, CIFOR-ICRAF HQ Kenya

Lars Graudal

Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF

Roeland Kindt

Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF

Eric Ngethe

Program Manager

Dietmar Stoian

Component-2 leader

Jane Mutune

Component-2 Co-leader

Jean Damascene Ndayambaje

Field Project Manager


Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation (TREPA) is a GCF supported project for the Eastern Province of Rwanda, 2021-2027.

IUCN is the Accredited Entity (AE) and lead of the project. The focal Ministry for the project is the Ministry of Environment (MoE) through Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA). CIFOR-ICRAF is a Service Provider (SP) to RFA.

Funding partners: Green Climate Fund & Government of Rwanda

Implementing partner: Rwanda Forestry Authority (RFA)

Budget: Entire budget 49,622,797 USD (Green Climate Fund + Co-financing)
ICRAF budget 7,554,960 USD.

Country: Rwanda

Research areas : Tree genetic resources and diversity & value chains for Africa.

Project duration: 2021-2027


CIFOR-ICRAF is engaged to provide scientific and technical support to particular outputs of the project, as indicated below:

Component 1: Restored landscapes that support climate resilient agro-ecological systems and livelihoods in Eastern Province

Outcome 1: Strengthened awareness of climate threats and risk-reduction processes.

Output 1.1: Diversified agroforestry packages scaled-up.
Output 1.3: Scaled-up climate resilient silvopastoral packages to restore degraded rangelands.

Component 2: Market and Value chain development for climate resilient agricultural and tree products linked to the financial products and services for sustainable management of agro-ecological systems.

Outcome 2: strengthened adaptive capacity and reduced exposure to climate risks.

Output 2.2: Enhanced financial inclusion and investments in climate resilient value chains.

Component 3: strengthening of enabling environment to effectively plan, manage and monitor climate adaptation for improved land use at national and decentralized levels.

Outcome 3: Strengthened institutional and regulatory systems for climate-responsive planning and development.

Output 3.3: Seed and seedling supply systems are enhanced to provide diverse climate adapted species and varieties.


Implementing entity