


i-Mangrove an online platform compiles and presents spatial information on the distribution of mangrove loss, opportunities for their restoration, and data on coastal typology and land cover. It also showcases some previous and current restoration projects.

Global Wetlands
Global Wetlands

The Global Wetlands Map is an initiative to collect and share information on tropical wetlands in a visual format. Users can access data and contribute their own, using standard geographic information systems software such as ArcGIS.

Indonesian Peatland Network (IPN) Toolbox
Indonesian Peatland Network (IPN) Toolbox

This toolbox is a collection of lecture materials in PowerPoint aimed to understand the challenges and opportunities of peatlands in Indonesia and its relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

SWAMP Toolbox
SWAMP Toolbox

The Sustainable Wetlands for Mitigation and Adaptation Program (SWAMP) Toolbox has been developed to guide users in understanding the importance of wetlands ecosystems as carbon reservoirs for climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Forests Climate Change Toolbox
Forests Climate Change Toolbox

This Forests and Climate Change Toolbox has been developed to build understanding and technical proficiency on issues of climate change and forests including mitigation, adaptation, carbon accounting and markets, and biofuels.