



Trees, forests & climate: CIFOR-ICRAF at UNFCCC COP29

Mangrove blue carbon to achieve FOLU Net Sink 2030


Promote forest protection and the rights of forest peoples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Blue Carbon Dialogue: From science-based policy to implementation

How can we save our wetlands?

Ciencia y políticas públicas para mitigar la deforestación y el cambio climático

Enhancing blue carbon sequestration from sustainable management of coastal and marine natural resources

Promoting robust sustainable mangrove ecosystems governance

6th Mangrove Macrobenthos and Management conference (MMM6)

Ninth International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases

Harnessing potential and ensuring high quality blue carbon credits in Vietnam

Improving the forest carbon market confidence with quality blue carbon credits

Myths, realities, and solutions towards high-integrity forest carbon credits

Conserving and managing peatlands to mitigate climate change

AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Forestry research and responses to climate change in the Congo Basin

Peatland Landscapes and Responses to Climate Change in Central Africa

Mangrove blue carbon market opportunities

Achieving Net Zero Emission: A High Call for Urgency from Business Perspectives

Sub-national workshop on increasing capacity of local community and sub-national government on mangrove restoration and food security

Coastal Zone Rehabilitation for Low Carbon Development

Preliminary training of women on the theme of peatland

Mangrove Research in Indian sub-continent

Governance frameworks for peatland conservation and sustainable management in the Congo Basin

Wetlands Knowledge Exchange

Capacity building of local government and community members for Mangrove Restoration

16th International Peatland Congress 2021

A Synthesis and Way Forward

Governance and Socio-Economic Attributes

Biophysical Attributes and Peatland Fires

Exploring criteria and indicators for tropical peatland restoration

Steps towards Blue Carbon mitigation under NDCs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Taller regional de Carbono Azul

Transforming Food Systems under a Changing Climate

Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development

CIFOR at Climate Week NYC 2019

CIFOR at Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2019

Taller: “Avances y desafíos para el manejo sostenible de las turberas de aguajales en la Amazonía”


Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group Meeting

Tropical Peatlands Exchange 2018

Blue Carbon Summit

IPBC Wetlands Supplement Exchange 2018

Side event at SBSTA-48

125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress 2017

3rd Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network Conference (AMSN)

Indonesian Blue Carbon Dialogue at COP22

Mangrove and Macrobenthos Meeting (MMM4)

Peat Geophysics and Fire

Symposium: Turning the tide on mangrove loss

XXIV IUFRO World Congress