Publication2023National Strategy for Mangrove Ecosystem Management: A reference for the conservation and rehabilitation of coastal areas to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and Low Carbon DevelopmentPublication2023Coastal area rehabilitation for climate change mitigation: The role of mangroves and subnational emissions reductionsPublication2023Coastal area rehabilitation for climate change adaptation: The key role of mangroves in Nationally Determined ContributionsPublication2023SWAMP in AfricaPublication2022Flooding tolerance of four tropical peatland tree species in a nursery trialPublication2022The role of mangroves in supporting ports and the shipping industry to reduce emissions and water pollutionPublication2022Đóng góp của rừng ngập mặn trong việc hỗ trợ giảm phát thải và ô nhiễm từ hoạt động cảng biểnPublication2022Understanding mangrove governance: Research methods and guidelinesPublication2022Tìm hiểu về quản trị rừng ngập mặn: Các phương pháp và hướng dẫn nghiên cứuPublication2022Rehabilitasi Kawasan Pesisir untuk Pembangunan Rendah KarbonPublication2021Environmental drivers of blue carbon burial and soil carbon stocks in mangrove forestsPublication2020Guidelines on Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration for the Western Indian Ocean RegionPublication2020The role of predictive model data in designing mangrove forest carbon programsPublication2020Total ecosystem carbon stocks of mangroves across broad global environmental and physical gradientsPublication2020Mangrove blue carbon stocks and dynamics are controlled by hydrogeomorphic settings and land-use changePublication2020Organic carbon burial and sources in soils of coastal mudflat and mangrove ecosystemsPublication2020The effect of water table levels and short-term ditch restoration on mountain peatland carbon cycling in the Cordillera Blanca, PeruPublication2019Incorporating blue carbon into Nationally Determined Contributions: Current status, opportunities and challenges of 13 Asia-Pacific countriesPublication2019Lồng ghép Các-bon xanh vào Đóng góp do Quốc gia tự quyết định tại 13 quốc gia Châu Á – Thái Bình Dương: Hiện trạng, cơ hội và thách thứcPublication2019Effect of land-use and land-cover change on mangrove blue carbon: A systematic review « Previous 1 2 3 4 … 6 Next »