An international and multidisciplinary team of researchers has released a groundbreaking new study that tracks over three decades of changes in the global forest carbon sink—equivalent to nearly half of the world’s fossil fuel emissions.
Para ilmuwan Pusat Penelitian Kehutanan Internasional dan Agroforestri Dunia (CIFOR-ICRAF) mempublikasikan sebuah peneltian yang mempertajam pelaporan emisi ekosistem lahan basah kaya karbon.
Scientists at the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) have published a study that is set to lift the game in emissions reporting for high-carbon wetland ecosystems.
Ekosistem pesisir adalah benteng pertahanan paling kuat yang dimiliki wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Ada hutan mangrove, rawa pasang-surut, padang lamun, rumput laut, serta ekosistem pesisir dan laut lainnya yang punya peran penting untuk mengamankan wilayah pesisir dan bahaya bencana alam.
Perched on a wooden plank, ecologist Sahadev Sharma cautiously drills steel rods into the mud near the tangled roots of mangrove trees. In the fast-depleting Sundarbans forest, the rods will monitor whether the mangroves are building enough sediments in time to outpace the rising seas around them.
Ada tiga sektor yang harus mendapatkan perhatian khusus untuk bisa mengakselerasi transisi energi. Diantaranya, transportasi industri, dan pembangkit listrik, dan bangunan. Demikian dikatakan Ketua Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI) Daniel Murdiyarso.
The 28th Climate Change Conference or 28th Conference of the Parties which took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, at the end of 2023, leaves a lot of uncertainty, especially those related to phasing outfossil fuel-based energy.
Experts on Indonesia’s peatlands, Professor Daniel Murdiyarso and Dr Luba Volkova, examine the current state of Indonesia’s peatlands and ongoing conservation efforts, in conversation with presenter Peter Clarke.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Viet Nam and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organized a workshop entitled “Enhancing Blue Carbon Sequestration from Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Natural Resources.”