Rural Resource Centre (RRC)

Rural Resource Centre (RRC)

In the northern region of Cameroon, livestock farming, agriculture and protected areas share the same territory of around 65,000 km2. The three (03) national parks and the twenty-eight (28) areas of hunting interest occupy around 45% of the total surface area. In this context, the major challenge facing the agro-pastoral sector is to ensure resilient and sustainable production, while preserving the natural resources vital to the balance of the ecosystem. This requires innovative extension approaches and methods to facilitate the learning of new practices and techniques by producers and breeders. The main aim of these approaches will be to encourage co-creation, experimentation, and adaptation of new techniques to local conditions and to the needs and capabilities of producers. The “Strengthening Innovation Systems in Northern Cameroon” (ReSI-Noc) project is using the Rural Resource Centres (RRC) approach.

What is a Rural Resource Centre (RRC)?

  • An area of at least 1 hectare based in rural areas and managed by a grassroots organisation.
  • A place for experimentation, demonstration, and training.
  • A platform for learning and sharing knowledge and experience.

What is an RRC made up of?

  • Water source
  • Nursery
  • Demonstration fields and market gardening
  • Seed orchard and fodder crop
  • Animal husbandry
  • Warehouse
  • Office and training room

What services does an RRC offer?

  • Seeds, agroforestry seedlings, other inputs
  • Training and capacity building
  • Information on new techniques and innovations
  • Access to information on markets and microfinance opportunities
  • Technical and organisational assistance; advisory support
  • Space for dialogue and conflict resolution
  • Anchor point for development projects

How is an RRC governed?

  • Management committee
  • Thematic sub-committees (e.g. nursery, farm work, market gardening, processing, etc.)
  • The members
  • Users or customers
  • Technical, financial and support partners

What innovations can be found in an RRC?

  • Assisted natural regeneration
  • Soil fertility management
  • Water and soil conservation
  • Growing fruit trees
  • Climate-smart agriculture
  • Management of agro-pastoral resources
  • Co-management of protected areas
  • Rural entrepreneurship

How is the RRC helping to build capacity for innovation?

  • Ability to identify and prioritise problems and opportunities.
  • Ability to evaluate and choose between different options, to experiment and adapt
  • Ability to learn, share and build relationships.