ReSI-NoC Newsletter (April-June 2024)

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ReSI-NoC Newsletter
April–June 2024
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Gearing up for the final stop!

Dear Innovation Community,

It’s been four years already since we began this journey.

The project started with a lot of brainstorming and capacity building on the concept of innovation systems within the project team, followed by numerous consultations with various actors from the public sector and civil society supporting agrosilvopastoral innovations in the North Region. We can proudly confirm that since then we have successfully developed a common vision on new ways of providing innovation support services to rural communities in the form of rural resource centres (RCCs), innovation niches (INs) and enhanced “capacities to innovate” of organizations active in research, development and nature conservation in the North Region of Cameroon.

Since the beginning of 2024, we’ve been on the go to bring this project to a worthy finale. In the first months of 2024, activities were concentrated on further strengthening members of the RCCs, and INs in technical and organizational aspects. The months of April, May and June were filled with other diverse activities; to get things started, actors of the innovation niches were brought to Garoua to present their activities to a wide audience and seek partnerships with stakeholders interested in supporting them in different ways. In the same vein, emphasis was laid on teaching RRCs to produce their own seeds for dissemination in their communities.

Furthermore, in order to draw lessons from the experiences in ReSI-NoC, an external evaluator was hired to appreciate the relevance of the project and its performance in meeting objectives. The abovementioned were amongst other elements you will discover fully in the lines below. As I close this short introduction, I would like to thank you again (as I did in the previous edition), because it’s thanks to you – from near and far, who have never stopped giving us strength – that we are where we are today.

May you enjoy reading these few lines.

Yours sincerely,

Ann Degrande
ReSI-NoC Project Coordinator
What we’ve been up to!
Training in post-harvest seed management and grading
As part of demonstration activities, with the support of the IRAD team, several members of the RRCs began growing fodder and improved varieties of food crops. In addition to work done by the IRAD team, one-hectare seed multiplication annual crop seedbeds (comprising maize, groundnuts, black-eyed peas and rice) were also set up in each of the RRCs. From 2023, further focus was afforded to coaching farmers on the need to comply with technical itineraries and the seed law. Field activities were followed by training in seed grading and post-harvest management in the RRCs in Sassa Mbersi, Bawan and Tchamba.

The training reminded RRC members of the legal framework governing the seed industry in Cameroon, as well as the technical itineraries for producing seeds such as maize, groundnut, cowpea, sorghum and soya. In addition, practical seed sorting and grading sessions were held, with each of the RRCs being provided with grading equipment that they can use to market quality seeds.

Coaching meeting on community life in Bawan
At the beginning of May, the Tchollire Deputy Prefect visited the RRC in Bawan and chatted with RRC members on the importance of group activities, the advantages of community work, and the difficulties associated with such work. He took the opportunity to visit the Bawan RRC’s bamboo nursery, and congratulated the group on its significant work in reforesting Benoue National Park.
Workshop to present work carried out in the innovation niches
A workshop entitled ‘Promoting agrosilvopastoral innovations in Northern Cameroon: What contributions from the ReSI-NoC project?’ was held on 14 and 15 May 2024 at the Hôtel Tour d’Argent in Garoua.

The aim of the workshop, which involved more than 80 participants, was to share the results of work carried out in the eight innovation niches supported by ReSI-NoC, with a view to making them sustainable and scaling them up.

On the first day, plenary presentations and group work provided an opportunity to present the niche selection and support approaches used by the ReSI-NoC project, and to share and discuss results and changes observed in each of the eight supported niches.

The second day was marked by two main events: an innovation market and roundtable discussion. During the innovation market, niche actors presented their activities, constraints and needs to organizations able to support them. These actors came away from the innovation market with lists of contacts, advice and potential support to activate. The roundtable discussion concluded by identifying ways of sustaining and scaling-up the eight innovation niches. Discussion panellists included five major stakeholders in agroforestry innovation in Northern Cameroon: MEADEN, the Regional Council, MINRESI, EconorCam and ABC PADER.

Full report
Food diversification, and nutrition training at the Tchamba RRC
Food diversification is crucial for women in Northern Cameroon, as is nutrition training, since it provides them with the knowledge they need to grow and prepare a variety of foods. This not only improves the health of their families by preventing malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies, but also empowers them. In this way, women become key players in their communities’ food security. What’s more, by promoting local produce and adopting sustainable farming practices they are helping to preserve the environment and promote more equitable economic development. It is in this context that the ReSI-NoC project has been undertaking culinary trainings in the RRCs since the commencement of its activities. In 2022, the Bawan, Sassa Mbersi and Mayo-Djarendji RRCs welcomed IRAD technicians and other project members for training sessions.

The two-day training on food security at the Tchamba RRC began on 21 May with a total of 75 participants in attendance, including RRC members and female restaurant owners from neighbouring villages in Ndintire, Voko and Beka. The training was dynamic and involved everyone present. Several meals were prepared, including doughnuts (commonly called puff puffs), rice and maize couscous, folere sauce, stir-fried vegetables and porridge. The sheer number of participants was proof enough of the interest these women showed in the subject.

The ReSI-NoC project at SIAGROS
The ReSI-NoC project, alongside the INNOVACC (Innovation for adaptation to climate change) and CaSeVe (Cameroun Septentrion Vert et Resilient) projects, all led by CIFOR-ICRAF and funded by the European Union, took part in the first edition of the International Exhibition of Agro-pastoral Industries and Techniques of the North (SIAGROS). The event provided an opportunity to present activities carried out under these projects to a wider audience.
Seeking funding opportunities to support the innovation niches
During the month of June, with a view to supporting innovation niches, the ReSI-NoC project team approached microfinance institutions operating in the North Region to secure information on the financing schemes they offer and their procedures for accessing credit. This information will be used to create a decision-making guide for members of the innovation niches in their search for funding and support.
Training on vegetative tree propagation techniques at the Tchamba RRC
On 26–27 June 2024, members of the Environmental Education Niche in Poli/Beka received training from members of the Tchamba RRC on vegetative tree propagation (grafting, layering). Ten participants from a wide range of backgrounds attended. A brilliant presentation on these techniques from the head of the RRC was immediately followed by practical application sessions.

Most participants (being teachers of primary and secondary schools in Poli/Beka District) were able to obtain practical training with the aim of creating fruit and shade tree nurseries in their schools, with the help of their pupils. The training course, which received highly positive feedback, ended with all participants completely satisfied.

End-of-project evaluation
As the ReSI-NoC project draws to an end, a project evaluation exercise was carried out in late June. The consultant and his team conducted surveys of beneficiaries in the 12 ReSI-NoC project intervention sites in the North Region of Cameroon over a period of two weeks. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were organized with project staff, partners and beneficiaries. These enabled the consultant to gain a better understanding of project progress, fully appreciate its relevance, efficacy and early impacts, and propose recommendations for a smooth phase out.
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Upcoming events, activities and others…
Official inaugurations of the RRCs
Since September 2023, work has been underway to build four rural resource centres on the peripheries of Benoue, Faro and Bouba Ndjida national parks. Building is currently near completion, and official inaugurations of these centres for demonstration of, training on, and dissemination of agrosilvopastoral innovations will take place towards the end of the year.

To find out more about the RRCs, click here: Rural Resource Centres (RRCs) – CIFOR-ICRAF Knowledge.

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We’ll be there!
We are pleased to announce that we will be taking part in the next West Africa, Central Africa & Madagascar DeSIRA CONNECT Days event on 24, 25 and 26 September in Accra, Ghana.

For more information on the event, please click here: DeSIRA CONNECT Days: Western Africa, Central Africa & Madagascar.

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Our impact story
In the next edition, we will share the indelible marks the ReSI-NoC project has left on the lives of communities in the North Region of Cameroon with you.

Stay tuned!

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ReSI-NoC Project
The ReSI-NoC project aims to strengthen economically profitable, ecologically sustainable, and socially equitable agro-sylvo-pastoral innovation systems in the North Region of Cameroon. The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by CIFOR-ICRAF, CIRAD and IRAD.
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