Problems related to land, trees and forests, as well as growing inequity cannot be solved if we do not understand and address unequal power relations and other governance challenges. Such research is essential to bring about (just) transformational change (what change, for whom) in policies, institutions and behaviours.
CIFOR-ICRAF conducts applied research to reveal and propose solutions to patterns of inequity (e.g. gender, ethnicity, age); to improve understanding of the roles of forests, trees and agroforests for smallholder and Indigenous livelihoods, health and food security; and to explore and innovate with sustainable landscape approaches and multi-stakeholder processes.
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About this theme
We study how decision-making processes at global, national and subnational levels can support or undermine sustainability and justice. In many countries, for example, insecure tenure, overlapping rights and land grabbing prevent the poor, ethnic minorities and women from exercising their fundamental right to food.
CIFOR-ICRAF’s work on governance, equity and well-being is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3: Good health and well-being; Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 10: Reduced inequalities, and Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions.
Cross-cutting team
Gender research and analysis
Governance, equity and well-being: Fast facts