Dr. Susan Chomba is the Director of Vital Landscapes for Africa at the World Resources Institute (WRI). She leads the institution’s work on Forests, Food systems and People which includes forest landscape restoration, sustainable agriculture/food systems and thriving rural livelihoods in Africa. Vital Landscapes work at WRI contributes directly to five global goals:
climate change mitigation and adaptation;
reducing poverty and enhancing gender equity;
reversing biodiversity loss;
building resilience in agriculture and food systems;
enhancing access to clean energy for services and production.
Susan is a scientist with over 15 years of research and development experience in Africa. She previously led the Regreening Africa Programme at CIFOR-ICRAF, whose primary objective was to restore degraded lands by scaling up proven and cost-effective technologies and practices across eight countries in Africa: Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Niger, Ghana, Mali and Senegal. She has been instrumental in setting the agenda for landscape restoration through local, national and global platforms.