Conserving peatland areas requires the commitment and the capacities of all stakeholders, including farmers living within the areas. Two business models, agro-silvo-fishery and Trigona apiculture, have been established in a demonstration plot in the peatland ecosystem of Baru Village, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, as new options for farmers to improve livelihoods while also managing peatland sustainably. Trainings on sustainable production, post-harvest, and markets were provided to the rice-based farmers to help them manage new livelihood options. Monitoring the behavioural transformation of farmers engaged in the two business model pilots is a crucial aspect of the program. This is accomplished using the ADKAR approach, which posits that attaining long-term behavioural change involves progressing through stages of Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. A survey instrument was created to monitor farmers behaviour changes in (i) collective action, and (ii) managing agroecosystems sustainably, reflecting collaborative effort required to conserve peatland. Prior to the intervention program, a baseline survey (n=43) was conducted to record farmers' current knowledge. The findings revealed that most farmers (60%) never joined a group but motivated to actively participate, whereas 25% of farmers had actively participated in groups and were eager to urge other farmers to join. Most farmers (52%) acknowledge the significance of safeguarding peatland areas but lack the knowledge to do so, whereas 25% have implemented ecologically friendly agricultural management in peatland areas. When the program began, none of the farmers were involved in agro-silvo-fishery or Trigona apiculture. According to a mid-program assessment aimed at recording the performance of the business models, 3 farmers have adopted apiculture with a total of 101 beehives. While none of the farmers adopt agro-silvo-fishery individually, 5 farmers produced organic fertilizer individually using the training program's new competence. However, producing organic fertilizer as collective action was halted, suggesting farmers partiality to work individually rather than collectively. A final survey to assess behavioural changes is planned towards the end of the program next year. The ADKAR approach for monitoring farmers' behavior change is useful for evaluating the performance of intervention programs and seek solutions to ensure it is aligned with the landscape level NRM goals.
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