Forest area in North Sumatera has declined since many years ago and have changed to more intensive land use systems, e.g. oil palm plantation, rubber monoculture plantation and smallholder. The study of local perception on land use systems and biodiversity was conducted in six villages in Simalungun district, Asahan district, and Serdang Berdagai district, North Sumatera province, to understand local preferences for land-use systems, local perceptions on land-use functions, and values on biodiversity, using Multidisciplinary Landscape Analysis (MLA) approach. The study showed that smallholder rubber and oil palm were the main sources of livelihoods in almost every village, since the two land use systems were important as cash income source. All participants perceived that rubber agroforest was the most important land use, as it could provide sources of income, food and environment values. Peoples understanding on biodiversity was closely associated with livelihood patterns and social life, as biodiversity contributed to their daily needs, and related to specific knowledge. All rubber plots under mixed and monoculture systems were perceived as good value in preventing erosion, while oil palm plots were of relatively low value. Interestingly, people also understood that forest had the highest function as an erosion control as these area are prone to soil erosion due to topography. Local people classified flora and fauna diversity based on their functions, such as food, source of income, fuelwood, construction, medicine, fodder, handycraft and tools, and erosion control. They noticed different biodiversity occured in different land-use types. Rubber agroforests provide all needs, e.g. goods and services, for local communities
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