This data was recorded as part of CIFOR’s GCS-REDD. “Integrating REDD+ with development goals at the landscape level: the role of multi-stakeholder forums in subnational jurisdictions” sought to examine 13 subnational MSFs addressing land and resource-use sustainability in terms of equity and effectiveness. Research included 13 subnational case studies in Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Peru; and 1 national case study in Brazil. The project had ten different data collection instruments. Research included a wide range of interviewees in order to compare and contrast the views of different stakeholders and their different forms of involvement (or absence). The data has been organized according to the type of interview/data collected. Each section is presented in a different file. • Section 1: National level data (secondary data, sources are specified in the database) • Section 2: Jurisdictional/region level data (secondary data, sources are specified in the database) • Section 3: MSF typology table (completed in interviews with MSF organizers) • Section 4: Key context questionnaire (implemented with context experts) • Section 5: Theory of change questionnaire (implemented with MSFs’ organizers) • Section 6: Q-methodology (implemented with MSF organizers and participants) • Section 7: Participants questionnaire (implemented with MSF participants) • Section 8: Non-participant questionnaire (implemented with relevant stakeholders who did not participate in an MSF) • Section 9: Partial participant questionnaire (implemented with MSF participants who stopped attending or did not regularly attend a forum) • Section 10: Non-participant focus group questionnaire (implemented with non-participants in a focus group form)
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