The Measurable Action for Haze-Free Southeast Asia (MAHFSA) is a joint initiative between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat (ASEC) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). It aims to create a flexible regional coordination platform for engaging all relevant actors, building capacity, harmonizing programs and projects, and facilitating multiple sources of finance for promoting haze-free farming and sustainable management of peatlands. The program advances the haze-agenda based on systematic data collection, management and analysis. This program was co-developed by a consortium of ASEC, CIFOR and the Global Environment Center, working with IFAD and in close consultation with the ASEAN Member States .
The overall goal of MAHFSA is to reduce transboundary haze pollution and its impacts in Southeast Asia. The specific objectives are:
To build capacity and enhance data, information and results management systems for sustainable peatland management and haze control
To enhance the availability and usage of knowledge products on sustainable peatland and haze management
To enhance the ASEAN regional coordination mechanism for advancing sustainable land management and haze prevention policies and projects.
The expected outcomes of MAHFSA are:
- Strengthened capacity of ASEAN to use information and results management systems, for sustainable land and haze management.
- Improved availability and usage of knowledge products on peatland and haze management.
- Enhanced ASEAN regional multistakeholder coordination mechanism and partnerships related to sustainable land and haze management.