This project aims to encourage the establishment of resilient institutional arrangements, supported by relevant policy frameworks, that foster landscape-scale forest management for the benefit of smallholders.
To achieve this, the project sets out to:
1. Identify gaps in the current management options, institutional arrangements and policy framework at district and provincial levels. Based on these findings, we will design and develop resilient management approaches at the landscape level.
2. Facilitate synergies between government programs in forest and non-forest areas and stakeholders' priorities at the landscape level (i.e. government agencies, local communities, private sector actors).
3. Design and implement capacity-building strategies and activities to enhance the adoption of a sustainable integrated landscape approach that incorporates multiple management objectives at the landscape level.
4. Support internalization of an agreed strategy for sustainable integrated landscape-based management of timber and non-timber forest products and associated policies and/or regulation instruments at various levels (national, provincial, district and village). It will also monitor the impact of these changes.