This project aims to use the knowledge about coffee and agroforestry, and experience from other projects to be integrated by creating production, demo and trial fields in the Yangambi Engagement Landscape, notably. This makes it possible to realise various functions in one cultivation system: food supply (fruit-bearing shade trees, plantain & bananas, host trees for the popular edible caterpillars that are an important source of protein, organic waste and wood for mushroom production), energy and construction wood (shade trees), income from cash crops such as coffee, carbon storage in wood, and so on. This agricultural system makes it possible to reduce the pressure on natural forests from current but unsustainable slash-and-burn agriculture and to drastically reduce or even reverse carbon emissions from agriculture to a net fixation. By implanting the project on a site where other projects are already running, both on coffee, and on carbon cycle and sequestration, we guarantee the continuity and embedding of this project in a broader framework and can build on already existing structures and cooperation agreements. Cooperation with local and international partners will continue. In addition, the project is also able to make an important contribution to the development of research and sustainable economic activities in the buffer zone of the "Man and Biosphere Reserve Yangambi".