The Yangambi Biosphere Reserve is managed in a participatory manner for the benefit of local communities and national and international scientific community. It is an important scientific reference for carbon data. It promotes and develops research on biodiversity and climate change, while ensuring the food security of local people and the preservation of natural resources. The Yangambi Scientific Pole project aims to contribute to this by strengthening the sustainable participatory management of the reserve and implementing the first rounds of carbon flux measurements in the Congo Basin forest.
The project is essential for monitoring the REDD + process in the Congo Basin countries. It is jointly coordinated by ERAIFT and CIFOR. This scientific coordination platform ensures free access and wide dissemination of data throughout the world.
The specific objectives are to:
1. Protect the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve and its landscape, by assessing the effects of human pressure on natural resources through joint action and multistakeholder platforms, and contribute to improvement of the food security of the riparian communities.
2. Establish the reserve as a high-level scientific center through scientific coordination between Congolese, Belgian and other international institutions. This will capitalize on knowledge and support training of Congolese researchers in the international network of universities and scientific institutions.
3. Install and operate two greenhouse gas measuring towers within the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve. Their data will benefit the national and international community.