The Sustainable Investments for Large-Scale Rangeland Restoration (STELARR) project works with livestock value chain actors including the private sector to make those value chains more sustainable and climate-friendly by ensuring that investments are made in the resource base (the rangeland) to sustainably raise productivity of rangelands and restore them where needed. That is, rangeland restoration and sustainable use will become an integrated part of these value chains, incentivized by not only environmental concerns but by the fact that unless these investments are made the resource base, which these value chains rely on, will disappear.
The objective of the project is therefore to reverse rangeland degradation and improve productivity of rangelands globally, through sustainable livestock value chains, and thereby reduce poverty and secure livelihoods, with inclusive benefits to women and youth. The overarching goal of STELARR is that “rangelands are restored and sustainably managed in line with national voluntary targets for Land Degradation Neutrality”.
ICRAF works together with ILRI on this project. ICRAF focusses on the following areas:
1. Undertake a review of large-scale rangeland monitoring systems worldwide including what is being suggested for the monitoring system for the global standard for rangeland products being developed by the Rangelands Stewardship Council and relevant rangelands standard service provider.
2. Develop a globally-agreed monitoring system and/or framework for rangeland products from sustainable livestock value chains that can be used to monitor, confirm and reward levels of sustainability of rangeland stewardship/restoration.
3. Capacity building of value chain actors to implement the rangeland monitoring system and/or framework.
4. Contribute to project publications and documentation and lead the writing of a peer-reviewed paper on the development of the monitoring framework.
5. Administration, coordination with other components in the project and provide input to M&E.