The objective of the project " Development of agroforestry-related agricultural commodity value chains and soil fertility management to improve farmers' incomes and women's empowerment " is to achieve improvement in food productivity through the implementation of an agroforestry model. To this end, 3 pilot projects are also being introduced: Demonstration of improved techniques for charcoal production, promotion of the link between beekeeping and acacia production, and specialization of onions for the off-season.
CIFOR-ICRAF will promote the results of the actions that GIZ has implemented within the framework of the Pro2GRN project through the implementation of the following activities:
• Activity 1: Estimation of the impacts of the proposed agroforestry model on food productivity, profitability and soil fertility
• Activity 2: Establishment of a pilot demonstration of improved techniques for charcoal production
• Activity 3: Setting up a pilot to promote the association of beekeeping with Acacia production
• Activity 4: Setting up a pilot for the labeling of off-season onions
The Project implementation is in Côte d'Ivoire in two districts;
1) The District of the Bandama Valley in the Hambôl Region, Department of Dabakala
2) Savanes District, Tchologo Region, Kong Department