This project contributes to the governance of forest resources by supporting collective land tenure and land tenure security, as well as landscape governance institutions. The project specifically contributes to PIM flagship 5 on Governance of Natural Resources. FP5 2022 outcomes are: (1) evidence informs natural resource governance and tenure policy processes and implementation; (2) improved tenure security; and (3) improved landscape governance. All activities are country-specific except for the critical research component, which is global. Two of the country-specific activities (testing methods and gender), however, have methods and tools as products that are intended for global use.
The objectives, approaches and partnerships vary by activity. Activities under this project are:
Emerging Challenges and Agricultural Investment Options for Improved Income, Food Security and Environment
Flagship 5 Management (IFPRI-EPTD, CIFOR)
Advancing Critical Research in Tenure and Resource Governance
Reporting on the Testing of Methods to Build an Enabling Environment for Community Forestry
Natural Resource Governance in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Petén, Guatemala: Options for Integrated Tenure Solutions Across the Multiple Use, Buffer and Core Zones
Knowledge Products to Support Ongoing Efforts to Recognize and Strengthen Collective Tenure in Madagascar
Strengthening Governments in Formalizing Processes for Improved Tenure Security
Scaling Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Outcomes in Multi-Stakeholder Forums (MSFs)
Indigenous Community Representation in Territorial Governance: a Comparative Analysis of Two Case Studies in the Peruvian Amazon
Gender Dynamics in Value Chains: From Oil Palm Mamas to Market Queens: Measuring the Gender Footprint of Informal and Formal Market Value Chains in Eastern Region, Ghana