In collaboration with the District Government and its Multistakeholder Watershed Forum, the Rejoso Kita project has been facilitating the climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices in Pasuruan District since 2019 under the support of the Danone Ecosystem Fund and Rabo Foundation. The healthy-rice, as one of the products of the CSA, applies balanced use of fertilizer, optimal use of biofertilizer and biopesticide, and intermittent irrigations. Such healthy rice is potentially getting a premium price and certified. Sustainable farming practices require both social and financial investments. The activities under the Rejoso Kita Phase II project include raising awareness of sustainable paddy cultivation, strengthening the institutional capacity of smallholder farmers, establishing demo plots, facilitating access-to-market and access-to-finance, and ensuring replications and upscales beyond the project scope.
Rabo Foundation supports the Rejoso Kita project towards better implementation of its exit strategy. Two main activities under this grant supports of Rabo Foundation are (1) to provide technical assistance to a farmer cooperative in mainstreaming climate-smart indicators to their financing schemes; (2) to conduct a qualitative impact analysis on farmers’ climate-smart agriculture practice. The project is running from March 2022 to April 2023.