The objective of the proposed programme is to improve livelihoods, food security and resilience to climate change through restoring ecosystem services. An underlying foundation to restore ecosystem services is effective landscape stewardship to simultaneously improve cultural heritage, food production, biodiversity conservation, forest cover and other ecosystem services and landscape values. Achieving effective stewardship requires an integrated, cross-sectoral approach to landscape planning and management. This programme will combine indigenous knowledge with scientifically-robust approaches and an enabling policy environment to catalyse a large-scale change/adoption of the EGA practices. Adopting a collaborative multi-stakeholder landscape/ catchment approach to the effort, the aim of this programme is to build more productive and reliable farming and pastoral systems, restore degraded landscapes, sustainably manage natural resources for all stakeholders, and ensure resilient livelihoods across the most vulnerable communities. The approach seeks to create communities where food security is assured, and ecosystems continue to thrive in the face of climate change
To achieve land restoration, improve livelihood and climate resilience for households/communities and reduce carbon footprint, the programme will aim to restore productive assets and create market incentives for sustainable productivity. The consortium partners have prioritised a focus on the West/South-West districts of Uganda, where they have been implementing restoration projects using locally appropriate EverGreening practices, and will seek to accelerate their adoption by massively out-scaling from within and among areas where these practices have been successfully applied. Some of the approaches proposed for use by the programme include the following: FMNR, Agroforestry, Soil and Water Conservation, Value Chain Development, Community Mobilization and Engagement, Carbon Sequestration and Abatement.