Tackling the climate-biodiversity-water-land degradation crisis requires integrated solutions that reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss, contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, and enhance water security while ensuring human wellbeing. Restoration is a key integrated approach that addresses a nexus of sustainability goals.
The entry point of Restore4More is to identify the synergies in the biodiversity-water-climate nexus to accelerate restoration of degraded rangelands for improved climate change adaptation and mitigation, enhanced biodiversity and water and food security in the drylands of East Africa. Restore4More will address critical evidence gaps and generate actionable knowledge on the biodiversity-water-climate nexus that can contribute to large-scale, long-lasting, and effective rangeland restoration in the drylands of East Africa.
The project is led by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. ICRAF, as a partner in this collaboration, recruits and employs a two-year post-doc based at ICRAF’s Spatial Data Science and Applied Learning Lab (SPACIAL). The post-doc contributes to the Restore4More project by collecting and analyzing (spatial) data in the project sites.