The Integrated Approach Program (IAP) comprises three integrated approach pilots that were agreed as part of the sixth replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) – on sustainable cities, deforestation and food security. The Food Security Integrated Approach Program (IAP-FS) targets agroecological systems in the drylands of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where the need to enhance food security is directly linked to opportunities for generating local and global environmental benefits.
These countries are seriously affected by environmental degradation and loss of ecosystem services, resulting in persistently low crop and livestock productivity, and increased food insecurity for millions of smallholder farmers, in particular the most vulnerable groups, such as women and youth.
In short, the Program seeks to contribute to a paradigm shift in African agriculture in the context of policy debates about how to feed a rapidly expanding population, one which emphasizes the importance of natural capital and ecosystem services. Such an approach will help ensure the sustainability and resilience of production systems in the face of climatic, pest/disease, market and other shocks, including though diversification of production and market opportunities at the level of the producer and awareness-raising, capacity building and evidence-based engagement of key environmental and agricultural actors at various scales.
In the IAP-FS program, ICRAF was responsible for Component 4: Coordination, reporting and general management functions across IAP projects for Programmatic impact, visibility and coherence. This includes establishing the Project Coordination Unit and assuring the delivery of applied knowledge and communication mechanisms to the country projects and beyond and establish an operational M&E system.