The "Zambia for Agroforestry, Biodiversity and Climate (Z4ABC)" project has been designed to support local and national actors in addressing these challenges. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the development of climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture, forestry, and food systems in Zambia to help achieve the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
The project specifically contributes to transforming agriculture and forestry-based systems in the Lower Zambezi - Luangwa - Nyika (ZLN) corridor to become more sustainable, climate-relevant, and productive. Therefore, these systems will contribute to the food and nutrition security and sustainable livelihoods of local people and communities, including those involved in alternative livelihoods such as eco-tourism.
The project pays particular attention to selecting value chains that have the potential to increase climate change mitigation and adaptation, diversify livelihoods and create wealth. The value chains will also contribute to reducing vulnerability and increasing the resilience of the local people and communities to climate change related events, as well as to other environmental, social and economic changes, shocks and crises (with particular attention paid to food security, nutritional diversity and risk-coping capacity of the poor, women, and vulnerable groups). Furthermore, the project will support selected value chains that contribute to ecosystem based adaptation and provide multiple ecosystem services (in addition to carbon stocks) such as soil and biodiversity protection and efficient use of water resources.