Rwanda has sustained an impressive and steady growth over the past decade. Its business environment is conducive to investment in a broad range of sectors such as financial services, tourism, wood and agriculture. The government and its technical and financial partners are making every endeavour to develop the private sector, including SME's in the wood sector. Several hindering factors for the implementation of wood industry in Rwanda have been identified and are to be tackled, some of them are particularly related to the wood supply chain and to the sawn timber market: 1) secondary processing actors have a weak bargaining power on raw materials procurement; 2) unstable process of swan timbers, lack of process sharing; 3) lack of standards and policy for the harvesting and primary processing; 4) lack of stocks of hardwood on the marker; 5) impact of taxation on sawn timber prices is depending on supply chain structure.
There is a lack of reliable data on processed timer. Consequently, the economical importance of forestry for the production of structural and non-structural sawn timber is not known with accuracy. Decision-makers and policy planners need to develop an in depth understanding of the value chain in the forestry sector, more particularly in the timber and secondary downstream processing. The final aim of the analysis is to understand the business trends and opportunities and how can the sector help creating jobs and value.
The project uses 4 methodologies: 1) the Porter's Five forces that could help shape the proposed marker analysis; 2) cross checked and work with educated guess for risk analysis; 3) literature review; 4) collecting sampling data with three different types of stakeholders.