CIFOR-ICRAF has been working with the University of Oxford throughout the 5-year TRADE project, which ends on 31st March 2024, as co-leads running Work package 1 (wildlife) . The University of Oxford has been provided with some further funding from the UK Government to support the final outputs of the project, and is subcontracting some of the activities of the grant to CIFOR-ICRAF. These funds will be used to create the following main outputs, as part of the final outputs of the TRADE project: 1) A symposium on wildmeat held as part of the European Tropical Ecology conference in Lisbon, and presentations recording and made available online; 2) Gap analysis on wild meat guidance conducted for the CBD; 3) systematic review on the impacts of wild meat use on migratory bird species conducted for CMS; 4) contributing to a report entitled 'bushmeat in Cameroon' for the Cameroonian government; 5) Analysing and presenting primary research to inform the implementation of the Tanzania game-meat selling scheme.