This project will provide the data, analyses, ideas and partnerships to accelerate the transition to a sustainable global trade system that reduces negative impacts on biodiversity and people, increases the negative social benefits of wildlife use and agricultural production, and fulfils the SDG's mission to “leave no-one behind”. This TRADE hub will develop new and long-overdue areas of cross-disciplinary science to analyse, understand, and increase the traceability and transparency of impacts for sub national, national and global trade flows. It will, in parallel, and adopting a model of co-design, facilitate collaborations among research groups and private and public sector institutions working on trade and sustainable development within and across continents, and between lower and higher income countries. These collaborations will enhance the relevance, and promote the uptake, of our research, supporting decision-makers at all scales to develop and implement relevant policy and regulations. The scale of the challenge and time-frames associated with transitions in a complex trade system mean that large-scale impacts are only likely to be realized after the end of the hub. A key outcome will thus be to ensure that significant capacity and momentum is built across our partnership to continue the work on public policy, industry engagement and capacity building well into the future.