Transparent Monitoring (TM) can help developing countries to improve their monitoring of land use sector emissions and removals and better assess their mitigation actions. The project aims to develop good practice guidance for TM, on how to implement open source tools and open access datasets by national actors and how to improve access to data. FAO OpenForis, other open datasets and processing platforms are key test objects for developing the guidance. Country-specific activities are:
Côte d'Ivoire: develop guidance for assessing emissions mitigation along supply chains;
Ethiopia: integrate TM to improve national MRV for assessing biomass/land use change and local communities' participation;
Papua New Guinea: assess accomplishments and implications of TM and how it relates to indigenous peoples' and local communities' participation;
Peru: develop practices, guidance and out-scaling of interactive monitoring, integrating local expertise with national monitoring system.
At the end of the project, we expect to have (1) developed good-practice guidance, for national accountable (i.e. credible, flexible, responsible) implementation of TM approaches; (2) tested it and approved it with Peru, Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire and Papua New Guinea; expecting (3) monitoring capacities to have increased in those countries; and (4) guidance having been taken up in the international processes, including in the context of the UNFCCC negotiations.
Through this results chain, the project contributes to transparent and reliable MRV systems, better informed policies and trustworthy and efficient land use and mitigation planning in countries with land use sector targets.