In this next phase of the Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) CIFOR-ICRAF builds on the work implemented under this program since 2010. The program was designed to meet an ambitious goal, to generate credible wetlands science for public policy making. These collaborative programs between CIFOR and United States Forest Service have been generously supported by USAID and implemented in almost 30 countries across the tropics. SWAMP continues to generate knowledge to be delivered to policy community and other decision-making bodies, supported by new funding from USAID.
The focus of this new phase of SWAMP is to provide critical data on tropical wetlands in support of country-led efforts on wetland conservation and restoration for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The project generates new multi-disciplinary knowledge in wetland science to address current gaps, such as wetlands and climate change feedback (e.g. release of soil carbon in peats) or the role of wetlands in improving the resilience of coastal communities against extreme disturbances (fires, hurricanes, droughts, and spontaneous dieback). In the implementation CIFOR-ICRAF informs global stakeholders on the advances of wetland science to help shape their climate change and risk reduction agendas, and also work with national stakeholders to identify governance arrangements (including policy design and implementation) across multiple levels that will enhance resource sustainability as well as climate change adaptation and mitigation, including innovative financing mechanisms. CIFOR-ICRAF also supports local stakeholders by building their capacity to implement direct actions on the ground to achieve sustainable and equitable livelihoods and enhance their resilience.