In recent years, two instruments of market-based approaches namely REDD+ and forest certification have been introduced as a solution to global deforestation problems. A collective of initiatives, such as REDD+ and forest certification, imply that forest capacity contributes to climate change mitigation. However, they have ambiguous outcomes on communal self-determination of lives and environments, or on forests to contribute to food security objectives. This collaboration project between Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and CIFOR aims to identify better forest management options to improve livelihoods and food security of tropical forest dwellers. At the same time, it seeks to reduce forest carbon emission and enhance forests' carbon-capturing capacity by exploring innovative options to implement REDD+, forest certification or other avoided deforestation and forest restoration opportunities. It aims, in particular, to test the social feasibility of these option. The work is carried out in Southeast Asia and in western Amazonia.