The Ecosystem Based Adaptation Project in Benin (PABE) is aimed at improving the Resilience of Rural Communities in the North and Centre Benin by implementing Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Measures in Forest and Agricultural Landscapes, also referred to as the “Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Project – (EbA)''. At the end of the five-year project, it is expected that PABE will contribute to improving the climate resilience of rural communities in the Center and Northern Benin by implementing adaptation measures based on ecosystems in the agricultural and forest landscapes of seven (7) municipalities: Dassa-Zoumè, Tchaourou, Djougou, Ouaké, Cobly, Boukoumbé and Banikoara.
ICRAF contributes to this project through (i) carrying out the baseline study to set the reference situation and (ii) setting up a monitoring and evaluation plan to track and assess the results of the interventions throughout the life of the project.
The project is already in its second year of implementation therefore, the baseline will also consider the data already collected by the project team in the first year specifically during field work meant to revise and elaborate forests management plans including support already provided by PABE in the field on community capacitation and supplies.
Based on the 2023 amendment, the project is now on Year 3 for the TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND ADVICE