We combine research to better understand how local people deal with conservation and development pressures, with efforts to build local communities’ agency/self-efficacy. Using Appreciative Inquiry methods within a framework of Participatory Action Research, we expect to catalyse learning, gender equality and transparency, and promote practical and environmentally friendly approaches to improving local livelihoods (Yuliani et al. 2015). This will be done through the following activities:
Contributing to livelihood improvement in four hamlets by:
- Facilitating the construction of micro-hydropower and clean water systems. Technical feasibility studies and technical training are combined with the development of a shared governance system for operation and maintenance.
- Facilitating the marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) through planting and training on quality improvement, packaging, management and understanding agreements, and promotional activities, networking and meeting with buyers. Income generation from NTFPs can improve livelihoods, but requires consideration of the whole value chain from source to marketing, as well as building partnerships with fair trade actors.
Contributing to the protection of orangutans and their habitats by:
- Planting orangutan food trees. This entails working in collaboration with government and customary leaders in the rehabilitation of degraded forest and enrichment of forests with food trees for orangutans.
- Facilitating local people in submitting proposals for social forestry schemes. This includes working with local people to disseminate information on social forestry and the national social forestry programme, and supporting them with the administrative processes involved in securing permits or agreements. It will also include discussions on technical aspects of social forestry management and its governance at the local level.
- Facilitating collaborative management in the Danau Sentarum catchment area in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 60/2021, which has designated Danau Sentarum one of a number of lakes prioritized for environmental rehabilitation. The lake is also critical for hydrological and ecological systems in the area. A working group has been established for its management, and we have been asked to help facilitate collaboration and coordination between the various actors involved. This activity is part of another on-going project (COLANDS/Collaborating to Operationalize Landscape Approaches for Nature, Development and Sustainability), which provides a good opportunity for multi-stakeholders collaboration to protect the orangutans and their habitats.
- Monitoring orangutans and their habitats. Monitoring is important to prevent poaching, illegal logging and fires. We will facilitate the establishment of regular patrols designed and conducted jointly by local community representatives, government officers and law enforcement personnel.
Outreach and awareness raising programmes for schools and key stakeholders, thereby supporting the development of citizen science.
Conservation and environmentally friendly development requires understanding and support from local people. Activities will facilitate understanding, but also develop a knowledge base at the local level.