Rhizophora Mangroves

Rhizophora. www.cifor-icraf.org/mangrove-monitoring-india/ Photo by Utchimahali Mariappan/CIFOR-ICRAF cifor-icraf.org forestsnews.cifor.org If you use one of our photos, please credit it accordingly and let us know. You can reach us through our Flickr account or at: news@cifor-icraf.org and a.sanjaya@cifor-icraf.org
06000000, mangrove, biodiversity, research, ecology, restoration, scientists, wildlife species, wildlife, CIFOR-ICRAF, marine ecosystem, scenery, flora, 06002002, India, coastal, fauna, 06002000, environment, coastal wildlife, conservation, IPTC-SUBJECT, land, R & D, development, ecosystem, environmentalism, nature, research & development, research and development