With its office established in Yaounde in 1987, CIFOR-ICRAF has been supporting Cameroon’s strategic objectives of poverty alleviation, reducing deforestation and forest degradation, and adaptation to climate change, through engagement in initiatives such as REDD+, Zero-deforestation Cocoa, and the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100), in collaboration with national and international partners.
Main research areas include: participatory tree domestication and on-farm tree diversity conservation; co-design and diffusion of innovations for participatory tree domestication through the use of rural resource centres; landscape and value chain governance; sustainable value chains for tree crops (cocoa), timber and non-timber forest products; formalization of artisanal logging; landscape restoration; securing tenure rights in forest landscape restoration; sustainable woodfuel production, including gender-responsive approaches and mangrove conservation; community-based enterprise development, including community forest enterprises; soil health; soil and water conservation techniques; climate change mitigation and adaptation; and innovation systems and rural advisory services for scaling of agroforestry and agroecology.
Country Profile
Key outcomes
- Livelihoods of thousands of smallholder farmers improved through increased incomes and other benefits from indigenous trees and shrubs as a result of over three decades of participatory tree domestication and on-farm tree diversity conservation.
- Reduced pressure on natural resources in protected areas and in other landscapes through community and small-scale private tree nurseries, integration of trees in farming systems, development of agroforestry tree product value chains, promoting and professionalising artisanal timber exploitation for the domestic market, and development of sustainable wood fuel options.
- Research and engagement in Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS REDD+) contributed to the Cameroon Readiness Preparation Proposal.
- Since 2007, CIFOR-ICRAF has successfully coordinated and co-led the development and implementation of the Observatory of the Forests of Central Africa (OFAC), supporting national and regional tracking of performance on climate commitments.
- Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – Germany
- Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
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Contact us
Ann Degrande
Country Coordinator
Derrière Usine Bastos, Yaoundé-Cameroun
PO Box : 16317 Yaounde
Tel: (+237) 222 21 50 84 | 222 22 74 51 | 699 98 16 58
Email: cifor.cameroon@cifor-icraf.org | icraf-aht@cifor-icraf.org