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Commons tenure for a common future GLF 2015

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. The role of tenure security in providing incentives for sustainable resource management and restoration is well established. However, much of the policy attention has been on securing individual lands, which make up only part of the landscape mosaic. This session presents research on the importance of the commons for addressing climate change and land degradation, the challenges and potential ways of securing tenure on the commons, and the perspective of civil society. It also discusses ways to harness the potential of the commons for inclusive growth, linking the debate to the implementation of REDD+.Moderators: Michael Taylor, Director, International Land CoalitionSpeakers: Joan Carling, Secretary General, Asia Indigenous Peoples PactSteven Lawry, Director, Forests and Governance Research Portfolio, Center for International Forestry ResearchRuth Meinzen-Dick, Coordinator, CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi)Etienne Le Roy, Professor emeritus of Legal Anthropology, Sorbonne, ParisJagdeesh Rao, Executive Director, Foundation for Ecological SecuritySaturday, 5 December 2015 Global Landscapes Forum, Paris, France #GLFCOP21 #ThinkLandscape For more information go to: CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), International Land Coalition (ILC), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Foundation for Ecological Security, Oxfam International

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