s:1563:"%T REDD+ contribution to well-being and income is marginal: the perspective of local stakeholders %A Sunderlin,, W.D.. %A de, Sassi,.C.. %A Ekaputri,, A.D.. %A Light,, M.. %A Pratama,, C.D.. %X In addition to being a global strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from tropical deforestation Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) intends to protect and improve the well-being and income of local stakeholders. The intention is to provide livelihood support in exchange for local stakeholder involvement in protecting forests. Eleven years after the launch of REDD+ at COP 11 in Montreal the degree of success in meeting well-being and income goals is examined in six countries (Brazil Peru Cameroon Tanzania Indonesia Vietnam) at 22 initiatives 149 villages and approximately 4000 households through a counter-factual approach. Half the villages and households are inside and half are outside the sphere of REDD+. Measurements are made at two points in time (2010-2012 and 2013-2014). This paper focuses on measurement of the subjective perception of local stakeholders. The study finds that REDD+ has not contributed significantly to perceived well-being and income sufficiency in spite of the fact that most households have not only engaged with REDD+ interventions but view them favorably. REDD+'s limited achievement to date is due to unavailability of funding among other obstacles. Recommendations are made for enhanced attention to well-being and income sufficiency in the event that REDD+ eventually takes off. ";