s:854:"TI Agroforestry systems: some definitions and contribution to forests dynamics AU Penot, E. AU Malet, B. AB Agroforestry is probably one of the most controversial word for the definition of a combination or intergration of trees (foresty components) and crops or fodder (agricultural components) into various types of cropping systems. Agroforestry systems varies from the most simple (SAF) a crop associated with a tree to the most complex in terms of structure the CAF (Complex agroforestry system) with multistrata components a large biodiversity in terms of species and frequencies where several perennial crops and trees are associated. After describing rapidly the concept of agroforestry we will focus on a particular typology and provide two examples of simple agrofest (SAF) parkland in Africa and complex agroforest (CAF) in Indonesia. ";