s:790:"%T Acre, Brazil: Low-emission rural development (LED-R) at a glance %A de los Rios, M. %A David, O. %A Stickler, C. %A Nepstad, D. %X 40-year history of grassroots environmental movements1st state to receive performance-based payments through KfW REDD+ for Early Movers program (REM)Statewide SISA program creates incentives for ecosystem service conservation for indigenous peoples (IP), local communities (LC), smallholders, & othersLong-term multi-stakeholder consultations with active participation of key actors in policy design & implementationEarly success increasing incomes of traditional agro-extractive communities & benefits for IPAcre Business Agency (ANAC) supports innovative low-carbon public-private-community enterprises (e.g., rubber, aquaculture, livestock) ";