Indonesia has had considerable experience in implementing more than 150 projects, in more than 400 locations, on forest rehabilitation and mining reclamation in the past four decades (Nawir et al. 2007a). However, forest landscape restoration (FLR), implemented over the past four or five years, is considered a recent initiative. The IUCN, ITTO and Tropenbos International Indonesia Programme (TBI Indonesia) led the initiative in voluntarily developing Principles and Guidelines on Landscape Restoration for Indonesia by involving different stakeholder groups, such as the government, private companies and international organizations as part of the Working Group on FLR (National GPFLR 2009).
In facilitating Indonesia as it moves forward in the direction of FLR, this paper summarizes the main issues that are useful as a basis for designing future scenarios from past and current experiences gained from implementing various forest rehabilitation projects.
The paper takes into account extensive studies and experiences of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), TBI Indonesia, WWF Indonesia and the local government of Sumbawa District. It relies strongly on the CIFOR study in Indonesia on 'Review of Forest Rehabilitation - Lessons from the Past' implemented in collaboration with the Forestry Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry (Nawir et al. 2007a). TBI Indonesia has experience in facilitating the Working Group on FLR, as well as the promotion and establishment of nine learning sites uploaded to the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration website as part of FLR implementation projects. Lastly, WWF Indonesia and the local government of Sumbawa District have been involved in implementing FLR through the forest management unit (FMU) or Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) and this is presented in this paper as one of the case studies.
Publication year
Nawir, A.A.; Gunarso, P.; Santoso, H.; Julmansyah; Hakim, M.R.
deforestation, land rehabilitation, degraded forests, ecological restoration, landscape, forest rehabilitation