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Forestry and Poverty Data in Viet Nam: Status, Gaps, and Potential Uses

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This paper is a key output from the Transforming China’s Forests Impacts in Southeast Asia: Advancing Pro-Poor Market Reform for Sustainable Livelihoods and Forests project, conducted by RECOFTC and the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI). The project aim is to advance policy and market reforms in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Its overall goal is to reduce poverty in forest areas, expand sustainable forest use and trade, and increase the effectiveness and impact of regional analysts and institutions in advancing pro-poor forest policy and market reforms.
The report is the product of one of the two activities in the Viet Nam component of the project.1 It focuses on understanding the current situation of data availability with regard to forest resources, forest tenure, markets for forest products, and poverty, with a view to identifying policy barriers, constraints, and issues for further work under the initiative. The Vietnam Forestry University (VFU) carried out a compilation of national and provincial information on the forestry sector and poverty in Viet Nam. Accordingly, it set up a working group led by Nguyen Ba Ngai (see Annex A for the list of group members) to conduct data collection from various sources.

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