The countries are almost on a continuum in terms of actors implementing PES schemes, from Vietnam with a national, government-implemented scheme, to Cambodia where the government seems to be uninterested in PES, and NGOs are therefore the only implementers. The environmental services (ES) for which the schemes have been developed are quite clearly defined, but less clear is the extent (i.e. amount) that is targeted. The potential beneficiaries of the schemes are relatively clear from the country reports, but less certain is whether there are real, objective benefits for some of the identified beneficiaries. The provision of benefits to the ES providers is unlikely to occur, or simply be viable, unless resource use or property rights are attributed to them. A related concern is that the costs of providing the ES services have not been assessed by any of the schemes. The monitoring and compliance system, information system and contracting of ES providers have only been implemented (in part) in Vietnam’s scheme.
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ecosystem services