s:1291:"%T REDD+ policy networks in Vietnam %A Pham, T.T. %A Moeliono, M. %A Le, N.D. %X Key messagesReducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation and Enhancing Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+) in Vietnam is oneof the few policy processes where actors including the State, international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) and civilsociety organizations (CSOs) are vocal about taking part in the policy arena.A policy network analysis, however, shows that governance of REDD+ remains centralized within a few government agencies(e.g. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) and donors (e.g. UN-REDD) as indicated by their level of influence, frequencyof information-sharing with other actors and level of collaboration with other actors.Stakeholders identified corruption; ineffective consultation processes leading to lack of inclusion in decision making; limited role of scientists in decision making; and lack of coordination among government agencies and donors as major governance challenges for REDD+ in Vietnam.The issue of strongest disagreement and polarization in the policy arena is about REDD funding and how it should be disbursed - whether REDD+ should be merged with existing state budget lines or set up as an independent fund outside these structures. ";