s:1058:"%T CIFOR-ICRAF Europe strategy %A CIFOR-ICRAF %X CIFOR-ICRAF is more than a research and development institute: It is a union of the best minds to find nature-based solutions for our current crises using forests, trees and agroforestry systems. Based in 25+ countries worldwide with 800 research and development staff and through 40+years of trusted science and proven innovative approaches, CIFOR-ICRAF demonstrates trees’ potential to transform our collective challenges into opportunities.In partnership with governments, academia, civil society, the private sector and communities, CIFOR-ICRAF delivers solutions to safeguard biodiversity, stabilize our climate and transform food and nutrition security that work for people.Since 2023, the organization has established a Europe Directorate in Bonn, Germany, as the hub for its Europe-based researchers. It links to our work in the Global South and is home to the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) secretariat – the world’s largest knowledge-led platform on sustainable and inclusive landscapes. ";