s:792:"%T Defining and promoting agroforestry cocoa for Cameroon and Central Africa %A Lescuyer, G. %A Gentils, L. %A Mouyakan Moumbock, E. %A Malédy, O. %A Bassanaga, S. %A Harmand, J-M. %A Sonwa, D. %A Ndoumbè Keng, M. %A Oyono, M. %A Tankam, C. %A Prosper Essono, S. %X In recent years, the cocoa sector has undergone significant change worldwide, with pressure to produce sustainable and deforestation-free cocoa. Several international initiatives have been launched or supported to achieve this goal. One is the African Regional Standard (ARS) 1000, enacted in 2021 to set the requirements for sustainable cocoa. It subsequently received ISO approval (34101 series). This general standard is currently broken down into national standards in the countries concerned. ";