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Growth and aboveground carbon of trees estimated using the FORCASTREE (SExI-FS) model: possible inputs for land restoration and carbon project in the Philippines

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In this report, we present the results of a projection of potential aboveground carbon storage of four tree-based practices using FORCASTREE (a model FOR simulating growth and CArbon of foreST and agroforest tREEs): a tree-tree growth and interaction model, formerly known as SExI-FS (Spatially Explicit Individual-based Forest Simulator), developed by the World Agroforestry (ICRAF). The four tree-based practices combine fast- and slow-growing and native and exotic tree species: (1) a mixture of different Dipterocarp species, (2) native and exotic non-Dipterocarp species, (3) Dipterocarp, fruit trees, and cacao, and (4) Dipterocarp species, native non-Dipterocarp species, fruit trees, and cacao. Scenarios of tree mortality (with or without mortality) and tree density (400 or 1100 trees per hectare) were considered for each practice.
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    Harja, D.; Salvan, G.R.; Mulia, R.




    carbon, aboveground biomass, landscape conservation, land restoration, trees, forest rehabilitation



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